tyitisgenerallydifficulttoderiveanalyticsolutionsorsimple equationstorepresentobjectssuchaslesionsandanatomyin medicalimages.Therefore,tasksinmedicalimagingrequire “learningfromexamples”foraccuraterepresentationofdata andpriorknowledge.Becauseofitsessentialneeds,machine learninginmedicalimagingisoneofthemostpromising, ...
We are Machine Learning in Medical Imaging and Diagnostics, an interdisciplinary Research Lab based in Dublin. We investigate novel machine learning concepts in the medical field.Our research is supported by funding from Enterprise Ireland (EI), Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Health Research Board...
The first International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, MLMI 2010, was held at the China National Convention Center, Beijing, China on Sept- ber 20, 2010 in conjunction with the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2010. ...
ASJC Scopus subject areas Software Hardware and Architecture Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Computer Science Applications Cite this APA Standard Harvard Vancouver Author BIBTEX RIS Yan, P., Suzuki, K., Wang, F., & Shen, D. (2013).Machine learning in medical imaging.Mac...
Known operator learning and hybrid machine learning in medical imaging-a review of the past, the present, and the future In this article, we perform a review of the state-of-the-art of hybrid machine learning in medical imaging. We start with a short summary of the general de... A Maie...
Wang, Q. Wang, Y.Shi, Machine learning in medical imaging, in: Proceedings of the 6th International... F. Wang, P. Yan, K. Suzuki, D. Shen, Machine learning in medical imaging, in: Proceedings of the First International... K. Suzuki, F. Wang, D. Shen, P. Yan, Machine learning...
会议名称:《Machine learning in medical imaging》 | 2013年 6.Learning-Boosted Label Fusion for Multi-atlas Auto-Segmentation 机译:学习促进标签融合以实现多图集自动细分 作者:Xiao Han 会议名称:《Machine learning in medical imaging》 | 2013年 关键词: atlas-based segmentation; machine learning; ...
Kaissis, G.A., Makowski, M.R., Rückert, D.et al.Secure, privacy-preserving and federated machine learning in medical imaging.Nat Mach Intell2, 305–311 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-020-0186-1 Download citation Received26 February 2020 ...
focuses on outperforming other algorithms on benchmark datasets. But too strong a focus on benchmark performance can lead todiminishing returns, where increasingly large efforts achieve smaller and smaller performance gains. Is this also visible in the development of machine learning in medical imaging...
Machine learning (ML) plays an important role in the medical imaging field, including medical image analysis and computer-aided diagnosis, because objects such as lesions and organs may not be represented accurately by a simple equation; thus, medical pattern recognition essentially require “learning...