1.regression的outcome是连续值,classification的outcome是离散值,可以认为classification是一种特殊的regression嘛? 不能这样简单认为,一个区别是regression的outcome是有大小关系的,而classification的outcome是没有大小关系的,比如三个类别不能简单用0,1,2,因为这样隐含了他们有距离上的远近,0-2要比1-2远,但classificati...
Learning技术可以用于 scientists, engineers, data analysts, or quants, but also less technical individuals with degrees in non-quantitative fields such as the social sciences or business. 此书regression & classification交杂(注意这个只看y的类型),介绍各种方法 难点是how to choose the best method for a...
一、机器学习基本概念总结 分类(classification):目标标记为类别型的数据(离散型数据) 回归(regression):目标标记为连续型数据 有监督学习(supervised learning):训练集有类别标记 无监督学习(unsupervised learning):训练集无类别标记 半监督学习(semi-supervised learning):有类别标记的训练集+无类别标记的训练集 机器学...
接下来我们要介绍的就是Classification了。 classification跟regression的区别就是Y的类型不同,regression是Y的具体数值的预测,比如涨跌幅度,而classification是对于单纯分类的预测,比如Y的涨(Y值取1)或者跌(Y值取0)。 但是classification里面有一个地方不好处理,那就是如果想要预测的Y不仅仅只有两个分类怎么办,比如当Y...
Classification is a supervised machine learning process that predicts the class of input data based on the algorithms training data. Here’s what you need to know.
Sometimes, we may need to classify the response with more than two classes; in other words, we need to perform multiclass classification. Although the two-class logistic regression model can be extended to multiple-class extentions, but in practice they tend not to be used very often because...
Machine learning: Classification What is Classification? Linear regression assumes that the reponse variable is quantitative variable. But in many situations, the response could be qualitative variable, such as the status of marriage, gender, and so on. Usually qualitative variables are referred to as...
参考代码:https://github.com/hilqiqi0/AI/tree/master/6.ML/code/Machine%20Learning/cm.py 6.分类报告 sklearn.metrics.classification_report(实际输出, 预测输出) ->分类报告 参考代码:https://github.com/hilqiqi0/AI/tree/master/6.ML/code/Machine%20Learning/cr.py ...
This paper gives a brief description of the overall system, followed by an overview of Machine Learning and a summary of a number of ML systems. We then describe the classification algorithm used in the system. Finally, the learning module, which will be incorporated into the classification ...
Which statement best describes the task of “classification” in machine learning?哪一个是机器学习中“分类”任务的正确描述?A.To assign a category to each item. 为每个项目分配一个类别。B.To find the distribution of inputs in some space. 发现某个空间中输入的分布。C.To group data objects. 对...