This first course in the IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate introduces you to Machine Learning and the content of the professional certificate. In this course you will realize the importance of good, quality data. You will learn common techniq
通过尝试不同的临界值,你可以在验证集上测试得到一个高F1值的模型。 4. Data For Machine Learning “取得成功的人不是拥有最好算法的人 而是拥有最多数据的人” 这句话什么时候正确?什么时候错误?假设在机器学习问题中,特征值x包含了足够的信息帮助我们准确地预测y。那么这个假设什么时候成立呢?一个方法就是把...
这也是自动选择临界值的方法:改变到不同的临界值,在交叉验证集上验证,取F值最高对应的临界值。 6.6 Using Large Data Sets 6.6.1 Data For Machine Learning 前面一些内容讨论了评价指标。这里来讨论数据的作用。 数据有时确实可以起到一定的作用,事实证明,在一定条件下,得到大量数据并在某种学习算法中进行训练可以...
Machine Learning for Data Analysis, Coursera上Wesleyan大学的Data Analysis and Interpretation专项课程第四课。 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen德国马普所智能系统研究所2013的机器学习暑期学校视频,仔细翻这个频道还可以找到2015的暑期学校视频 知乎Live:我们一起开始机器学习吧,机器学习入门之特征工...
WEEK 1: Welcome; Introduction to Machine Learning with Big Data WEEK 2: Data Exploration WEEK 3: Classification WEEK 4: Evaluation of Machine Learning Models WEEK 5: Regression, Cluster Analysis, and Association Analysis Course Auditing Coursera ...
Students who plug away at this flexible sequence for six hours a week should complete it in about four months. Cost: Free (with Coursera account) 12. HARVARD University — DATA SCIENCE: MACHINE LEARNING In this around 32-hour edX course, students learn by doing — specifically, by building ...
# Machine Learning (Coursera) This is my solution to all the programming assignments and quizzes of Machine-Learning (Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng. After completing this course you will get a broad idea of Machine learning algorithms. Try to solve all t
Machine Learning for Data Analysis, Coursera上Wesleyan大学的Data Analysis and Interpretation专项课程第四课。 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen德国马普所智能系统研究所2013的机器学习暑期学校视频,仔细翻这个频道还可以找到2015的暑期学校视频 ...
Here is the link to join this course -Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp 2.Python Project for Data Science[Coursera] As the title suggests, this course is somewhat different from all the other courses on this list. This is because it also doubles up as a hands-on projec...
5. Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics by ColumbiaX This course intends to give you a basic understanding of machine learning and its different algorithms. During this course, you will learn about Machine Learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression, Unsupervised...