答案地址: https://github.com/zzlyw/machine-learning-exercises 打开链接后是这样的:
- Quorawww.quora.com/Is-it-enough-to-complete-a-machine-learning-course-by-Andrew-Ng-from-Coursera-to-get-my-first-job-internship-If-not-what-more-can-be-done-for-the-same 简单来说,这门课程就是入门玩具课程,如果要打好理论基础,还是要去看cs229, 由于我最近涉及到自然语言处理的一些事情,...
总共有ex1一直到ex8共8份作业代码需要我完成,完成作业代码和选择题后即可获得的结业证书,如下。 作业完成情况如下: 有需要作业代码的可以联系我,谢谢,祝你们都能拿到证书,为求职锦上添花!
炮娘**炮娘 上传28.58 MB 文件格式 rar Coursera Machine Learning 课后作业 代码 机器学习大牛讲的课程的作业代码,里面有课程的文档,可以直接学习和完成作业。对系统的学习机器学习大有帮组。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:7 积分 电信网络下载 软件安装脚本-ubuntu18.04l离线安装docker 2025-01-08 17:37:57 ...
Coursera课程《Machine Learning》学习笔记(week1) 这是Coursera上比较火的一门机器学习课程,主讲教师为Andrew Ng。在自己看神经网络的过程中也的确发现自己有基础不牢、一些基本概念没搞清楚的问题,因此想借这门课程来个查漏补缺。目前的计划是先看到神经网络结束,后面的就不一定看了。
【解释】The learning rate is always a positive number, so if you take W minus a negative number, you end up with a new value for W that is larger (more positive). 第2 个问题:For linear regression, what is the update step for parameter b?
Practice quiz: Advice for applying machine learning 第1 个问题:In the context of machine learning, what is a diagnostic? 【正确】A test that you run to gain insight into what is/isn’t working with a learning algorithm. An application of machine learning to medical applications, with the go...
1 概念输入- 机器学习machine learning 机器学习有两个定义:一个是过时的概念,Arthur Samuel说的 the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without beng explicitly programmed(machine learning-wikimedia ) *不用手把手教,计算机就能学习。
MS in Computer Science:https://coursera.org/degrees/ms-computer-science-boulder Applied Learning Project In this specialization, you will build a movie recommendation system, identify cancer types based on RNA sequences, utilize CNNs for digital pathology, practice NLP techniques on disaster tweets,...
Machine Learning | CourseraNg, AndrewNg, A., 2013. Machine Learning | Coursera. [Online] Available at: https://www.coursera.org/course/ml [Accessed 01 06 2013].