《Data-Driven Science and Engineering:Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control》,作者是华盛顿大学的Steven L. Brunton和J. Nathan Kutz, 全书共分为4个Part:降维与变换、机器学习和数据分析、动力学和控制、降阶模型,如果有需要pdf版本的同学可以私信我 最常见的优化策略 Least-Squares 最小二乘使给定...
今天推荐 "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" 一书的第二版,新增了不少内容。 官网链接: Data-Driven Science and Engineering | Higher Educat…
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Machine-Learning-Dynamical-Systems/kooplearn.git Contributing We welcome contributions from the community! If you're interested in contributing to kooplearn, please follow these steps: Fork the repository on GitHub. Clone your forked repository to your ...
Machine learning based digital twin for dynamical systems with multiple time-scalesDigital twin technology has a huge potential for widespread applications in different industrial sectors such as infrastructure, aerospace, and automotive. However, practical adoptions of this technology have been slower, ...
内容提示: Data-Driven Science and EngineeringData-driven discovery is revolutionizing the modeling, prediction, and control of complexsystems. This textbook brings together machine learning, engineering mathematics, andmathematical physics to integrate modeling and control of dynamical systems with modern...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订Data-Driven Science and Engineering:Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control》。最新《预订Data-Driven Science and Engineering:Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等
19-数据驱动科学与工程机器学习、动力系统和控制-Data-Driven Science and Engineering Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control,机器学习和数据科学,Science,engine,人人文库,
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control》,作者:,出版社:Cambridge University Press。最新《【预订】Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical System
Reinforcement Learning Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) Value functions Value iteration Policy iteration 17. MDPs Approximate policy iteration 18. State-action reward Horizon MDPs Linear dynamical systems Linear-quadratic regulation (LQR) Riccati equation ...
Nonlinear dynamical systems, which include models of the Earth's climate, financial markets and complex ecosystems, often undergo abrupt transitions that lead to radically different behavior. The ability to predict such qualitative and potentially disruptive changes is an important problem with far-reachin...