Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera Welcome to this free online class on machine learning. Machine learning is one of the most exciting recent technologies. And in this class, you learn about the state of the art and also gain practice implemen...
If you have a background in machine learning, you can become a Machine Learning Engineer, Natural Language Processing (NLP) Scientist,Data Scientist, Human-Centered Machine Learning Designer or Business Intelligence Developer. In recent years, the demand for machine learning specialists has risen, wit... Coursera machine learning course materials: Text book: Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning: Video lectures:
very often, some of the inputs are not observed for all data points. This challenge is very significant, happens in most cases, and needs to be addressed carefully to obtain great performance. And, this issue is rarely discussed in machine learning courses. In this module, you will tackle ...
Best online courses in Machine Learning from Harvard, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania and other top universities around the world
1800+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Free NOTE: This course was originally launched in 2011 and has been sunsetted in favour of a new Machine Learning Specialization. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade...
Online courses: 1.Andrew Ng'sMachine Learning at Coursera 很多人接触的第一个关于机器学习的视频大概就是Andrew Ng的课,入门课,讲的清晰易懂,涉及数学的方面也没有讲的很深奥,基本上都能听懂。如果数学基础差,也可以在网上搜一下这个课程的学习笔记,很多人总结的还是很好的,也很详细。唯一的不好就是这么课...
Online courses: 1.Andrew Ng'sMachine Learning at Coursera 很多人接触的第一个关于机器学习的视频大概就是Andrew Ng的课,入门课,讲的清晰易懂,涉及数学的方面也没有讲的很深奥,基本上都能听懂。如果数学基础差,也可以在网上搜一下这个课程的学习笔记,很多人总结的还是很好的,也很详细。唯一的不好就是这么课...
Coursera上的机器学习专业化课程(Andrew Ng):提供机器学习基础概念的免费课程。 Andrej Karpathy的神经网络系列:介绍了神经网络的实现和背后的数学概念。 Deep Learning专业化课程:重点放在实现和训练神经网络上,包括对Hugging Face的应用。 这些工具和资源涵盖了从Python基础、数学知识、机器学习基础到深度学习的学习过程...
Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Machine Design Part I (Coursera) ...