遵循Google 的这些机器学习最佳做法,成为更出色的机器学习工程师。 人员+ AI 指南 本指南可帮助用户体验设计人员、产品经理和开发者协作处理 AI 设计主题和问题。 文本分类 本综合指南详细介绍了如何使用机器学习解决文本分类问题。 良好的数据分析 本指南介绍了专家数据分析师用于评估机器学习问题中的大型数据...
Machine Learning 机器学习概念 基础课程 高级课程 指南 词汇表 首页 Crash Course 此页面由 Cloud Translation API 翻译。 机器学习速成课程 Google 提供的快节奏、实用的机器学习简介课程,包含一系列包含视频讲座、互动式可视化内容和实操练习的课程。 开始学习速成课程 浏览课程模块 查看前提条件 100 多种锻炼 ...
This course aims to equip you with the skills to build, train, and apply AI models effectively. One of the benefits of this course is that by the end of this certification you will know clearly what is machine learning and get hands on experience and machine learning models. ...
As a hands-on introduction to machine learning, the crash course offered by Google is a great deal of practical experience. It starts by asking you about your previous experience in machine learning. You will be directed to the appropriate resources based on your answer, so you can maximize y...
Best Short Course FREE TIME:2h LINK:https://www.courseduck.com/googles-machine-learning-crash-course-131/ 这门免费,言简意赅且高度互动的课程由Google专家授课,可以让你对机器学习的概念有基本的了解。使用TensorFlow API按自己的节奏学习和练习。
MLCC itself began as an internal tool intended as a two-day boot camp to expose engineers to machine learning, and more than 18,000 Google employees have enrolled in the course. There are plans to continue adding courses, said Google, which plans to eventually build a hub for education in...
machine-learning-crash-course from googleIntroduction to Machine LearningLearning Objectives Recognize the practical benefits of mastering machine learning Understand the philosophy behind machine learningmachine learning can help us solve problems more efficiently and make it possible to answer questions that ...
LINK:https://www.courseduck.com/googles-machine-learning-crash-course-131/ 这门免费,言简意赅且高度互动的课程由Google专家授课,可以让你对机器学习的概念有基本的了解。使用TensorFlow API按自己的节奏学习和练习。 ▲向上滑动更多惊喜 4 ) MIT Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars (2019) ...
https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/ 谷歌官方推出的机器学习入门教程,用了的tensorf...
I'm one of the people who is coming to you from Google in order to present this Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs. Now, before we dive in, let's take a second to remind ourselves of the basic framework that we are talking about in this class. ...