The machine IP address details. Properties family To determine if address belongs IPv4 or IPv6 family NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server. ip IPv4 or IPv6 address of the machine NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be pop...
不一样啊,两个词完全不是一个意思 license 是 执照的意思,machine 是 机器 机械 的意思,id 是身份证的意思。合起来就是 机器牌照号码 或者是 执照机械身份证 ip address 很简单就是网络地址,就是平时所说的ip地址。第一个词组我不知道你是从哪看的,要根据具体上下文的语言环境进行进一步判断...
Error creating machine: Error detecting OS: Too many retries waiting for SSH to be available. Last error: Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded --generic-ip-address=这里的ip是指本机,如果需要为其他远程docker主机安装可以改为其他docker主机ip(这里是本地创建docker-machine) 依然报错,...
docker-machine create -d generic --generic-ip-address= --generic-ssh-user=root machine198 命令注解: create:创建一个docker主机 -d:驱动类型(generic|virtualbox) Generic:普通类型(通过SSH创建主机) Virtualbox:启动一个virtualbox虚拟机,并部署docker --generic-ip-adddress=:目标主机的ip --...
public final classVirtualMachinePublicIpAddressConfigurationProperties implementsJsonSerializable<VirtualMachinePublicIpAddressConfigurationProperties> Describes a virtual machines IP Configuration's PublicIPAddress configuration. Constructor Summary 展开表 ConstructorDescription...
Am I charged for a public IP address when my virtual machine is stopped-deallocated? When does the billing clock for Public IP addresses start and stop? How is a Standard Public IP different from a Basic Public IP? I purchased Public IP addresses before September 2017. What SKU do I...
将创建的 PublicIPAddress 资源的域名标签前缀。 生成的名称标签是域名标签和 VM 网络配置文件唯一 ID 的串联。属性详细信息domainNameLabel 将创建的 PublicIPAddress 资源的域名标签前缀。 生成的名称标签是域名标签和 VM 网络配置文件唯一 ID 的串联。 TypeScript 复制 domainNameLabel: string ...
public VirtualMachinePublicIpAddressDnsSettingsConfiguration dnsSettings() Get the dnsSettings property: The dns settings to be applied on the publicIP addresses . Returns: the dnsSettings value.fromJson public static VirtualMachinePublicIpAddressConfiguration fromJson(JsonReader jsonRead...
What’s an IP address? The Internet Protocol (IP) address is a label for identifying any hardware device in a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. These IP addresses are an integral part of all the communication messages between devices in any network. This IP tagging is...
How can I get all of the IP addresses attached to the machine that my application (C# NET Console app) is running on? I need to bind a WCF service to the primary IP address, and return a list of the full IP address list. using System.Net; string myHostName = Dns.GetHostName()....