打開Visual Studio Code。 從[活動列]中選取 [擴充功能]圖示,以開啟 [擴充功能] 檢視。 在[延伸模組] 檢視搜尋列中,輸入「Azure Machine Learning」,然後選取第一個延伸模組。 選取[安裝]。 注意 Azure Machine Learning VS Code 擴充功能預設會使用 CLI (v2)。 若要切換至 1.0 CLI,請將 Visual Studio Code...
Azure Machine Learning VS Code 擴充功能預設會使用 CLI (v2)。 若要切換至 1.0 CLI,請將 Visual Studio Code 中的 azureML.CLI Compatibility Mode 設定設為 1.0。 如需在 Visual Studio 中修改設定的詳細資訊,請參閱使用者和工作區設定文件。登入您的 Azure 帳戶若要在 Azure 上佈建資源和作業工作負載,必...
Connect to an Azure Machine Learning compute instance in Visual Studio Code to run interactive Jupyter Notebook and remote development workloads.
Learn how to build machine learning applications in Azure Machine Learning using the Visual Studio Code extension
Date: 07/10/2018How to Do Distributed Deep Learning for Object Detection Using Horovod on AzureThis post is co-authored by Mary Wahl, Data Scientist, Xiaoyong Zhu, Program Manager, Siyu Yang,...Date: 06/20/2018Deep Learning for Emojis with VS Code Tools for AI – Part 2...
VS CodeDebuggerDungeon CrawlerPlatformerWindows UtilityAbout Objeck is a modern object-oriented programming language with functional features tailored for machine learning. It emphasizes expression, simplicity, portability, and scalability. The programming environment consists of a compiler, virtual machine, ...
Object The API entity reference. Expand table NameTypeDescription id string The ARM resource id in the form of /subscriptions/{SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/... ApiError Object Api error. Expand table NameTypeDescription code string The error code. details ApiErrorBase[...
Computer Vision FedVision: An Online Visual Object Detection Platform Powered by Federated Learning WeBank (AAAI 2020) code Nature Language Processing Federated learning for emoji prediction in a mobile keyboard Google Federated Learning for Mobile Keyboard Prediction Google Applied federated learning: Imp...
Machine Learning is an AI technique that teaches computers to learn from experience. Videos and code examples get you started with machine learning algorithms.
Explore advancements in state of the art machine learning research in speech and natural language, privacy, computer vision, health, and more.