Machine code, capable of driving the raw hardware, was the first language available to programmers. 控制基本硬件的机器代码是程序员使用的第一种语言. 期刊摘选 OBJECT CODE : Term synonymous withmachine code. 目标代码: 机器代码的同义术语. 期刊摘选 ...
复数:machine codes 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 machine.code n. 1. 机器码a code in which instructions are written in the form of numbers so that a computer can understand and act on them 释义: 全部,机器码,机器代码,机械码,机器语言...
1、机器码(machine code) 机器码(machine code),学名机器语言指令,有时也被称为原生码(Native Code),是电脑的CPU可直接解读的数据(计算机只认识0和1)。 通常意义上来理解的话,机器码就是计算机可以直接执行,并且执行速度最快的代码。 用机器语言编写程序,编程人员要首先熟记所用计算机的全部指令代码和代码的涵义。
machine code- a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation machine language computer code,code- (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions ...
Assembly code中表示值传递操作用的是mov命令,即:movq Source, Dest。这里的q代表着移动8个字节(64位),movl就是4个字节,低32位。一共有三种操作数类型: Immediate value :是常量整数数据,用于表示固定值。如包括$0x400和$-533,用美元符号($)作为前缀。
【C#】获取机器码MachineCode 需求:机器码可以用于校验用户是否用的同一台电脑登录,比如在别的机器上登录时做强制下线(踢人下线)。通常在用户注册时,计算一次用户的机器码跟随注册信息一起发送给服务器。 机器码的作用看百度百科: 定义规则: 机器码 = CPU序列号 + 硬盘ID + 网卡硬件地址...
Machine code – a numerical language According toWikipedia: “Machine codeis a strictly numerical languagewhich is intended to run as fast as possible, and may be regarded as the lowest-level representation of a compiled or assembled computer program or as a primitive and hardware-dependent program...
{MachineCode* mcode = ccode->machine_code();if(!mcode) { OnStack<1> os(state, ccode); state->set_call_frame(call_frame); mcode = ccode->internalize(state, gct);if(!mcode) { Exception::internal_error(state, call_frame,"invalid bytecode method");return0; ...
Machine code is so low-level that it’s not readable by humans or higher-level systems. It’s binary, made up entirely of sequences of 1s and 0s that correspond to commands or operations, telling a machine’s components (e.g., its memory) exactly what to execute....
machine code program 机器代码程序 machine operation code 机器操作码 相似单词 code n. 1.[C]法典,法规 2.[C]规则,规范;礼教习俗 3.[C,U]代号,代码;电码;密码 4.【电脑】(不严格地说,是指)以特定编程语言所撰写出来的一段程序 v. [T] 1. machine n. [C] 1.机器;机械 2.计算机 3.汽车;...