尼科洛马基雅维里Niccolo Machiavelli - Selected Political Writings (Hackett, 1994)英文原版政治思想论述代表作电子版电子书下载 下载积分:2900 内容提示: MachiavelliSelected Political WritingsThe PrinceSelections from The DiscoursesLetter to VettoriEdited and Translated byDAVID WOOTTON 文档格式:PDF | 页数:274 |...
Selected Political Writings. Edited and Translated by David Wootton. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1994. Contains perhaps the best English translation of The Prince, an extremely readable yet accurate rendering, together with a small selection from the Discourses. A freestanding version of Wootton’s ...
Seven women, out of the 34 mentioned by name in Machiavelli's works, were selected in order to view Machiavelli's description, stance and reason for mentioning them. All had the common trait of being `manly women'—women who portrayed masculine traits while still being feminine—which further...
Machiavelli’s ‘Legations’ selected and introduced by G. R. Berridge from the trans. by Christian E. Detmold (Leicester, 2000; available through www.allandale. co.uk). The reference to Detmold’s full translation, which is long out of print and very rare, can be found at note 17 abov...
From this conclusion, Beccaria then derives a set of new and original guidelines for how punishments should be selected. Among them we find the following ideas: Preventing crime is more valuable than punishing it. Punishments for crimes should be proportional to the harm done to society by the ...
it is not hard to see why Machiavelli and Guicciardini both stressed the role of Fortuna, and the role they assign to it prevents either of them being seen in any straightforward way as distant ancestors of political science or of political sociology, at least of those practitioners of the tw...
Writings In office Machiavelli wrote a number of short political discourses and poems (theDecennali) on Florentine history. It was while he was out of office and in exile, however, that the “Florentine Secretary,” as Machiavelli came to be called, wrote the works of political philosophy for...
One of the most famous political writings of all time was really a fruitless job application from a struggling bureaucratÁine Cain