So it is no surprise Machiavelli, the Father of Modern Political Science, presents a more complex argument than the famous, but simplistic, pseudo-consequentialist quote alludes out of context. Machivelli was not the odd philosopher out, he was the father of the modern line of thinking that ...
that when they occur they are famous.- Clarence Day Men kick friendship around like a football,but it doesn't seem to crack.Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces.- Anne Morrow Lindbergh Please sign up for my Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote email using the form below. Thank ...
Lenin can be said to be a true disciple of this maxim, since he shrank from no injustice or cruelty to achieve his goals. However, he was no disciple of Machiavelli justbecause of those goals. The quote just given is immediately followed by: On the contrary, every other consideration being...
Despite Pierre Bayle’s comparatively recent but (in)famous argument to the contrary, Beccaria is still very much thinking in the era when even such a radical as Thomas Paine believed that an atheist could not be a citizen, would not respect the law, and would never have any reason to ref...