that when they occur they are famous.- Clarence Day Men kick friendship around like a football,but it doesn't seem to crack.Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces.- Anne Morrow Lindbergh Please sign up for my Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote email using the form below. Thank ...
The idea of the means justifying the ends is one of the most famous concepts promoted by Machiavelli. Hubbard shows that he is willing to put this idea to the test, with one deviously succinct quote. “You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a ...
Lenin can be said to be a true disciple of this maxim, since he shrank from no injustice or cruelty to achieve his goals. However, he was no disciple of Machiavelli justbecause of those goals. The quote just given is immediately followed by: On the contrary, every other consideration being...
¨Every prince ought to desire to be considered compassionate and not cruel.¨ Notice in this quote from Niccolo Machiavelli's ¨The Prince¨ the word ¨considered¨ is used, rather than something more firm or nothing at all. The point Machiavelli is making is that as a ruler, one must on...
Beccaria is so concise and articulate that it keeps being most efficient to just quote him directly: Another ridiculous reason for torture is the purgation of infamy; that is, a man judged infamous by law must confirm his deposition with the dislocation of his bones. This abuse should not ...
The objective of the game is varied and the quote on the cover of the box, "Is it better to be feared than loved?" is a good explanation of the choices you'll be facing. As with most other games, you begin at a weak point with only a certain amount of funds (1500 credits) and...