据Drive Tesla报道,福特汽车公司在加拿大大幅降低了2023款野马Mach-E的价格,以应对特斯拉Model Y和其他电动SUV车型日渐激烈的竞争。 此次降价幅度从5000加元到13000加元不等。大多数2023款Mach-E车型的价格都被下调,其中GT性能加长续航版的降幅最大。 此次价格调整使野马Mach-E在电动汽车市场上更具竞争力。此外,所有M...
Ford Mustang Mach-E GT vs Tesla Model Y Perf. The second version - the Mach-E GT - is a bit less sporty than the GT Performance, and as you can see, it's already reflected in the higher expected EPA range rating. The power output of the GT is the same as in GT Performance (35...
Does the 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E have what it takes to challenge the best-selling electric vehicle in the U.S.? In case the headline in this comparison didn’t make it clear, that would happen to be the Tesla Model Y SUV. What’s the secret to the Model ...
Model Y的滤震过程也非常干脆,不过达到干脆的方式与Mach E有些区别,Model Y在滤震过程中减震器的行程较短,与Mach E一样,Model Y的底盘也非常在状态,通过不平路面时,车身会立刻回归到平衡状态,整个过程中动静极小,行驶的过程中车身在所有维度都保持在异常平稳的状态,这也是为何这台车的底盘同样给我留下了硬朗的...
这是世界上最安静的直线加速比赛,Genesis GV60 与宝马 iX xDrive50 与福特野马 Mach-E GT 和特斯拉 Model Y,直到 C7 Corvette Stingray Z51 出现。让我们深入欣赏吧~ 原视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnpc9k8pIVI 手工字幕翻译:哔哩哔哩~@Hagerty赛车 2023年度梦中情车 汽车 汽车生活 电车 双语...
670 -- 3:32 App 试驾福特Mustang Mach-E GT “电马”依然够野 311 -- 2:17 App 在赛道上开Mustang Mach-E是什么体验? 203 -- 1:43 App 福特Mustang Mach-E:想野,就再野一点 8244 2 25:15 App 电动车大比拼 福特野马 Ford Mustang Mach-E vs. 特斯拉 Tesla Model Y 968 1 2:33 App 胎...
33 【汽车专业知识】福特野马增城电池2021 Mustang Mach-E GT - Extended Range Battery Removal 40:44 【汽车专业知识】福特野马电容详解2021 Mustang Mach E GT Contactors 47:15 【汽车专业知识】不同汽车的差速器Understanding Differences in Automotive Differentials 1:03:14 【汽车专业知识】讴歌混动运动版...
the Tesla was the clear winner despite its higher price. However, this is reasonably expected considering that the Model Y Performance is more comparable to the Mustang Mach-E GT, a vehicle that is yet to be released. The two all-electric crossovers were pitted against each other on four fr...
TESLA 特斯拉 Model Y 看详情 去购买 从性能上来看无论是加速还是续航,其实二者相差不大,但在充电速度上Mach-E更快,不过在充电网络的便捷上Model Y更具优势,这点个人更倾向于Model Y。从技术上来看,二者其实差距也不大,BlueCruise明显要比Autopilot的安全性高且更人性化,这点个人更倾向于Mach-E。从价格上来看...
据发布会说Mach-E除了加速快,操控会更好。全系标配Brembo刹车和固特异Eagle Touring轮胎,GT版本配倍耐力...