(Biography) 356–323 bc, king of Macedon, who conquered Greece (336), Egypt (331), and the Persian Empire (328), and founded Alexandria Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
Was it not the Macedonians who conquered the ancient City States? How then can ancient Macedonia be Greek?The Great Powers created the modern Greek Kingdom for the first time in 1832 as an attempt to partition the Ottoman Empire and prevent the formation of a single Slavic State in the ...
Macedon’s control of Greece was formalized at the Congress of Corinth in 337 BCE, attended by all the city-states except the Spartans, who Philip was content to ignore. With Greece conquered, Philip turned his attentions to Persia … but found himself decorating the sword of Pausanias, one ...
Located in the center of the Southern Balkans, north of Greece, and west of Thrace, the history of Macedonia tells how the Macedonians were a distinct nation, ethnically, linguistically, and culturally different from their neighbors. The name "Macedonia" is the oldest existing name of a country...
MacedonianKing Alexander the Great, who was born 180 years later, in 356 B.C.E., conquered the Persian Empire. Alexander Mikli, grikkalandskongur, sum varð borin í heim 180 ár seinni, í 356 f.o.t., hertók persiska heimsveldið. ...
The western kingdom, with its capital in Ohrid, is considered the first Slavic Macedonian state. It was ruled by Tsar Samuil (997-1014) but was conquered by the Byzantine Empire in 1018. Except for a brief period of Serbian control under Stefan Dusan (1331-55), Macedonia remained under ...
The two consuls (who had come to replace the king) were primarily generals whose task it was to lead Rome’s armies in war. In times of military emergency, when unity of command was sometimes necessary, Rome appointed adictatorin place of the consuls, who, however, could not hold suprem...
“king of Sicily,” conquered most of the Punic province except Lilybaeum (Marsala). However, his despotic methods provoked a revolt of the Greek Sicilians, and in 276 (or early 275) he returned to Italy. In 275 he suffered heavy losses in a battle against Rome at Beneventum (Benevento...
These priests had told the secret of where their treasures were kept to King Xerxes after his return from Greece, and he to reward them, and also we may suppose, to save them from the vengeance14 of their countrymen, had planted them in this remote spot, where they had preserved their ...
Macedonia, ancient kingdom centred on the plain in the northeastern corner of the Greek peninsula, at the head of theGulf of Thérmai. In the 4th centurybceit achievedhegemonyoverGreeceand conquered lands as far east as theIndus River, establishing a short-lived empire that introduced theHelleni...