kLineChartView.setMacdChartColor(int inColor, int deColor); 参数 inColor : >0 波段的颜色 deColor : <0 波段的颜色 macd空心设置 Setting of MACD hollow histogram kLineChartView.setMacdStrokeModel(Status.HollowModel model); 参数 NONE_HOLLOW : 所有的值实心 All_HOLLOW : 所有的值空心 INCREASE_HOLL...
设置十字线触发模式 Setting Crossline Trigger Mode kLineChartView.setSelectedTouchModle(Status.ShowCrossModle showCrossModle); 参数 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECT_TOUCHE : 点击显示 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECTPRESS : 长按显示 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECT_BOTH : 点击长按混合 ...
In a stock chart, intraday data is available for daytime hours, while gaps will appear in nights and weekends. Defaults to 0. Requires modules/broken-axis Try it Setting the gap size to 2 introduces gaps for weekends indaily datasets. See also gapUnit xAxis.breaks gapUnit: "relative",...
#property description "chart and the user did not make any mistakes setting input" #property description "variables (Lots, TakeProfit, TrailingStop) in our case," #property description "we check TakeProfit on a chart of more than 2*trend_period bars" //--- #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> 引...
kLineChartView.setAnimLoadData(boolean withAnim); 参数 true : 执行加载数据动画 默认值 false: 不执行加载数据动画 K线右侧内边距 K-line right inner margin kLineChartView.setKlineRightPadding(float klineRightPadding); 参数 float : 内边距 设置十字线触发模式 Setting Crossline Trigger Mode kLineChar...
important to make sure that the expert works with a normal"#propertydescription"chart and the user did not make any mistakes setting input"#propertydescription"variables (Lots, TakeProfit, TrailingStop) in our case,"#propertydescription"we check TakeProfit on a chart of more than 2*trend_...
In a stock chart, intraday data is available for daytime hours, while gaps will appear in nights and weekends. Defaults to 0. Requires modules/broken-axis Try it Setting the gap size to 2 introduces gaps for weekends indaily datasets. See also gapUnit xAxis.breaks gapUnit: "relative",...
It is said that Appel originally suggested two different settings on a daily chart: (8,17,9) for buy signals and (12,25,9) for sell signals. Murphy (1999, p. 253) later mentioned these two different setting values of Appel and added: “Appel originally recommended one set of numbers ...
Git stats 1,725 commits Files Type Name Latest commit message Commit time docs docs: fix typo April 17, 2018 10:14 examples docs: add example for setting content programmatically (nhn#250) July 9, 2018 09:49 src fix: replace IE10 incompatible functions July 23, 2018 16:03 tes...
设置十字线触发模式 Setting Crossline Trigger Mode kLineChartView.setSelectedTouchModle(Status.ShowCrossModle showCrossModle); 参数 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECT_TOUCHE : 点击显示 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECTPRESS : 长按显示 Status.ShowCrossModle.SELECT_BOTH : 点击长按混合 ...