MACD,全称为Moving Average Convergence Divergence(异同移动平均线),是一种广受投资者青睐的技术分析指标。它由Gerald Appel于1979年发明并引入金融市场,主要用于判断股票、期货和期权等金融产品价格的趋势变化及买入与卖出时机。MACD最初设计的灵感来源于双移动平均线交叉系统,旨在通过量化两个不同周期移动平均线间的距...
# 如果尚未持仓 且 MACD死叉 且 ADX上升,则平仓,即卖出开空仓 elif mp == 0 and condition_death_cross and condition_adx: mp == -1 sell_symbol(direction="sell",sell_price=last_price,sell_amount=20) def main(): while True: bar_date = _D() # 获取当前时间 if exchange.IO("status"): ...
当短期EMA上穿长期EMA时,DIF上升;反之则下降。 2. DEA (Signal Line):DIF的平滑版本,即DIF的9日指数移动平均线。DEA在一定程度上降低了DIF的波动性,形成更稳健的信号线。 现在我们就开始讲MACD最基本的用法: 一、观察快线和慢线两条线在0轴之上还是之下,在上表示多头,在下则为空头,而0轴则为多空分水岭。
defmain():# 读取历史价格数据data=pd.read_csv('historical_prices.csv')# 股票历史数据prices=data['Close']# 收盘价macd,signal,histogram=calculate_macd(prices)# 判断背离divergences=check_divergence(prices,macd)# 输出结果forpoint,typeindivergences:print(f"第{point}天出现{type}。")# 绘制图形
The first signal shows the MACD line (yellow) crossing above the signal line just as crude oil breaks higher. Bill DeBuse, a proprietary trader and author, wrote, “The most effective use of the MACD is achievable by interpreting where the moving averages cross, their relationship to the ...
Three main signals generated by the MACD indicator (blue line) are crossovers with the signal line (red line), with the x-axis and divergence patterns. Crossovers with the signal line: If the MACD line is rising faster than the Signal line and crosses it from below, the signal is interpre...
The Signal Line is just an EMA of the MACD Line for 9 periods. Since it is a MACD line average, it follows behind the formation of the MACD line. A bullish crossover happens when the MACD line turns upwards and crosses beyond the signal line. ...
MACD Alert MT4: The MACD offers the best of both worlds: trend following and momentum. Traders can look for signal line crossovers, center-line crossovers and - 中文
策略思路:趋势跟随指标设置:快速线(Fast Line):12日EMA慢速线(Slow Line):26日EMA信号线(Signal Line):9日EMA策略流程:当快速线上穿慢速线时,产生“金叉”信号,表明价格呈上涨趋势,买入加密货币;当快速线下穿慢速线时,产生“死叉”信号,表明价格呈下跌趋势,卖出加密货币;当MACD线在零轴上方向上运动并且快速线和...
signal line, the histogram will be above the MACD’s baseline or zero line. If MACD is below its signal line, the histogram will be below the MACD’s baseline. Traders use the MACD’s histogram to identify peaks of bullish or bearish momentum, and to generate overbought/oversold trade ...