With the launch of the new M3 14-inch MacBook Pro, Apple has discontinued the 13-inch MacBook Pro.
Apple today added 2017 models of the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar to its vintage products list worldwide. Apple classifies a device as vintage five years after it was last distributed for sale. Vintage products are no longer guaranteed to be eligible for repairs at ...
步骤如下:首先,您需要启动终端应用程序。此应用程序可在应用程序中的实用程序中找到。如果您在查找应用程序时遇到困难,也可以从Spotlight搜索启动它。然后输入pkill“Touch Bar agent”命令,刷新触控条 方法3:在MacBook Pro的触控栏中刷新控制条 解决MacBook Touch Bar问题的另一种方法是在Touch Bar中刷新控制条。
If the Touch Bar doesn't start working when you turn your MacBook Pro on, you may have to update your macOS. Running an outdated macOS can cause your Touch Bar to become infested with bugs or glitches preventing it from working normally. Despite having been discontinued in the later MacBoo...
新款M3 MacBook Pro的发布标志着苹果13英寸MacBook Pro正式停产。这款13英寸MacBook Pro是最后一款搭载Touch Bar的苹果笔记本,这意味着苹果已经放弃了使用Touch Bar。Touch Bar是一块OLED触控显示屏,位于MacBook Pro键盘的顶部。尽管苹果对它抱有很高的期望,希望通过使用Touch Bar来改变键盘交互方式,但上市后却引起...
The Touch Bar is a thin, OLED strip that replaces the traditional function keys on the MacBook Pro keyboard. It can be used to display a variety of contextual controls, such as shortcuts for specific apps or tasks. However, the Touch Bar never really caught on with users. Many people ...
7月 9 日晚上,苹果对 MacBook 系列进行了更新,无 Touch Bar 版本的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro 被下架,新增了两款入门版本。现在,MacBook Pro 全系列都开始配备 Touch Bar。按照产品迭代的规律,这块触控栏很可能会下放到 MacBook 的低端产品线中,你准备好接受它了吗? Touch Bar 是键盘的延伸,而不是屏幕 Touch ...
事实上,Touch Bar尽管在2023年秋季才正式退场,但是它的“实质性死亡”发生在2021年,当年14英寸MacBook Pro在还原了Magsafe的同时,就取消了Touch Bar。为什么Touch Bar会被放弃呢?这需要从两个层面来分析了。其一,是苹果公司对于工业设计理念的变化,其二则是Touch Bar本身对于用户体验的变革不仅没有发生,反而在...
把初代 Touch Bar 的 MacBook Pro 列进过时产品名单,算是苹果彻底向过去的「妥协」告别。「实在是太快了。」苹果给 Mac 设计的使用年限大概是 5 年,对于智能手机而言 5 年时间已然足够的长,但对于个人 PC 来说,5 年的时间并不长。很多用户的 MacBook Pro 2016 甚至更旧的型号依旧在服役,抛开重生产力...
As expected, Apple refreshed its MacBook Pro lineup on Thursday with thinner designs, beefier components and the hotly anticipated multitouch Touch Bar. AppleInsider covered the event live and was able to go hands-on with Apple's latest hardware after the keynote. This year's 13- and 15...