New MacBook Pro 2002 16" getting hot quickly I just got my new MacBook yesterday and migrated my data from my old one to my new one. I've checked the CPU usage and it doesn't seem to be very high on anything (except the activity monitor). The area near the track bar got very...
MacBook Pro 15 2015 i7 16GB often got hot and made noise, tried cleaning it, updating thermal paste, resetting the SMC, reinstalling the OS, disabling animation, switching to the old Catalina OS, cleaning startup... there was 0 effect. Here's what helped: Install the free application "Tu...
macbook pro 太热 开孔大法 效果展示 手头的MACBOOK PRO 15寸的 11年底时候买的,之前用mac系统时候是各种流畅,后来很多软件都不能安装(破解 你懂得)。当然大部分游戏也不行。 于是就开始用虚拟机,一开始还行,后来软件开多了,各种同花顺 铁龙 通达信 全推 一上,机器卡的不行。 最后就只能装双系统,用了一段...
I just set up my MBA uisng the TIme MAchine backup from my old MacBook Pro. In doing so, it gave my Air the same name as I was using for the MBP - which was MY MAcBookPro. I'd like to change the name now seen by other devices, etc. I can't see how to change that. Whe...
I managed to resolve it myself with a software that allows me to control the fans and start them before the machine gets to hot. It’s called TG Pro for anyone else finding their macs getting hotter than they are comfortable with Reply 0 + XP #4 Last Hero P...
Macbook Pro 16" laptops with the 5300M and 5500M dedicated GPUs run with Radeon High Side at 20W when connected to an external monitor. This causes the machine to run VERY hot and the fans to spin to over 5000rpm. The EXACT SAME LAPTOP running the Windows drivers through Apple bootcamp...
新的MacBook Pro 14的电池寿命很长,我平常用它看电影、写代码,还有把它当成唯一的社交媒体平台,电池依然能维持很久。实际上,我能够在一次充电下使用它长达20个小时以上,现在出门我基本上不带充电器,电池真心耐草。 总的来说, MacBook Pro 14是一个强大而可靠的设备,可以处理我所有的工作和个人需求。如果你预算...
其实这台macbook pro 16寸,买了两个多月,刚发布的时候就买了,主要是拿来剪辑视频,一开始的使用计划是外出携带方便,回家可外接显示器进行高强度剪辑视频,毕竟这一代的性能还可以,后来用了两个多月,发现只带出去过三天,因为这个尺寸我的相机包塞不进,其他时间都是放在家里,外接键盘鼠标显示器当主机使。 感觉略...
苹果新款14寸/16寸MacBookPro与Mac mini正式发布,MacBook Pro14/16售价为15999元起,Mac mini起售价为4499元。 这两台MacBook Pro搭配了M2 Pro与M2 Max芯片,最高内存为96GB。续航最长可达 到22小时,达到了Mac...
My Macbook Pro 15" fan is making a loud nose, and it's getting hot. I am not sure why because all my files are saved in the cloud. [Re-Titled by Moderator] MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 11.7 Posted on Mar 20, 2024 11:47 AM Me too Reply Similar questions MacBook Pro getting...