MacBookPro(13-inch,Mid2012)升级更换固态硬盘SSD 缝缝补补又三年,感觉还能坚持。 购买理由 2012年的电脑,卡的我已经无法忍受了。于是买了块固态硬盘,自己动手搞起来。 准备工具: 1.精密螺丝到组件; 2.大概8G左右的优盘(换硬盘后需要重新安装系统,把U盘做成系统盘,把下载好的系统文件放里面); 3.固态硬盘。 4...
review of:2.0TB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G 2.5-inch 7mm SATA 6.0Gb/s Solid-State Drive Response from OWC, Support Wow, thank you so much for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that your upgrade went smoothly and that you are enjoying the incredible speed boost from your new...
review of:2.0TB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G 2.5-inch 7mm SATA 6.0Gb/s Solid-State Drive Response from OWC, Support Wow, thank you so much for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that your upgrade went smoothly and that you are enjoying the incredible speed boost from your new...
Transcend 480GB JetDrive 520 SATAIII 6Gb/s Solid State Drive Upgrade Kit for MacBook Air, Mid 2012 (TS480GJDM520) ¥279.99美 去购买 其中苹果的都是拆机二手货,而jetdrive装上之后还需要第三方工具才能开启trim(苹果就是坑啊,知道自己的SSD价格坑爹,还想着法子不让你买别家的)。但是目前主流的SATA接...
最近身边的朋友从某公司只花费了50元收到一台MacBook Pro 2012中低配版,尽管外观有一些老旧但是整体成色还算不错,由于MacBook Pro 2012标配是两根2GB DDR3 1333内存和500GB 5400转的机械硬盘运行macOS还是明显卡顿反应也很慢,于是拿给我帮他升级改造一番。
MacBook Pro 換 SSD 在 2012 之前幾乎每個人都會改裝硬碟,雖然當年 SSD 還是天價,但也是很多人會改成大容量的 HDD,而後來他們改用了 PCIE 的 SSD,不但速度飛快,而且算是保留了可以更換 SSD 的可能性。直到 2016 加入了 TouchBar 之後,才算是正式終結了自己更換 SSD 的方向。
MacBook Pro Mid 2012 HDD to SSD upgrade Hello all, I currently have a mid 2012 MacBook Pro 13” with the hitachi 500gb HDD. It is running very slow and sluggish. I am looking to upgrading to a SSD. The one I have picked out is the Sandisk Ultra 3D SSD 512gb. I am looking ...
Hi, You can use mSATA SSD with using mSATA SSD SATA 7+17pin adapter. Reply of 1 SSD upgrade for my late 2012 MacBookPro Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple Account.Learn...
【直播】 2012m..三天前刚买的15高 macbookpro。 不太满意开机和打开程序的速度。 这几天订购了些工具和硬件准备自行加装ssd。技术来源于王自如的视频。2L。给出视频链接。