surface pro6 乞丐配,官方键盘,官方的笔,配了个256的内存卡(事实上一直用不到),2018年底买的,用了一年多 macbook pro 2019 13寸 16G 256G CUP没有升级,刚到手一周热乎乎的,还没买什么配件 (不靠谱的)结论: 想要用笔画画写写:Surface,不用犹豫。最近(2020年3月)出了新ipad,还没来得及试,根据同事的反...
从日常的观察来看,如果是做为程序开发工具,MacBook (2015) 明显的会比Surface Pro 3 要好很多。
实验室发一人一台 Mac Pro 跑程序,自己笔记本当然就用 mac 配合起来方便; 但隔壁就一人一台大机箱,...
9月中旬趁着教育优惠的尾巴入了MacBook Pro20 13寸中配,因为surface当时已经发热漏电,续航差,键盘盖...
(字幕软件还是有些问题啊啊啊,表示要醉了…各位谅解啊…) 十二期出炉~关于Justin Tse 的视频真的很少哎… 这也许是B站首个带字幕的Justin Tse的视频, 那还不关注我们,投个硬币,充个电~当然,还有收藏转发 抱歉,最近一直在上课,所以更新的速度要慢一些呢 吼吼吼!!!
Surface Pro 128: 89.7 GB (approx. 96.3 billion bytes) Those numbers are extremely close. In both cases, you can remove installed software to further free up disk space. The MacBook Air includes iLife ‘11, while the Surface Pro has 18 included apps, some or all of which can be remov...
With the Surface Pro 9, the Arm-based variant is no longer an afterthought. But most users will still find greater use for the Intel-based model, especially when working from an office.
如The Verge 评价 Surface Laptop 所说: We live in a world where smartphones areubiquitous, tablets are commonplace, and even smartwatches are a thing that people talk about on the regular. But throughout all of these advances,the humble laptop has persevered, and for good reason. When it...
我们来探讨一下这个有趣的问题,随着这些年升级换代,MBP似乎越来越贵了,举个例子,15寸的MacBook Pro起售价涨了35%。尽管多了个Touch Bar,这种提价还是太过夸张。如果我们做一下调研,就会发现涨价可不仅是苹果笔记本,所有品牌笔记本都有这个趋势,你看看戴尔的游戏本、外星人、华为MateBook、微软SurfaceBook,无...
我自己打算用到19款的MacBook Pro出来,如果升级比较大的话,到时候就以8000-9000的价格出掉这台电脑,再入手全新19款的,有合适的19款二手也乐意入手。 毕竟就轻薄本的市场来说,在我看来,能够做到性能,屏幕,续航和做工还有触控板体验最好的,还是属MacBook Pro。 至于其他轻薄笔记本,比如Surface Pro、SurfaceBook、XP...