其实只要真正搞清楚了产品定位,再考虑到M2和macOS的深度融合,估计一次性略贵的投入,要不了多久,无论是生产价值输出,还是绝对的耐用性,都会让初始的这部分“溢价”不值一提了! MacBook Air M2确实略贵,但是这玩意没有替代品,这玩意本身也相当值得买! 最后,近期苹果产品降价促销,活动页可领券,有兴趣不妨关注一下...
与M1芯片相比,M2性能更高,耗能更少,图形处理器升级到了10核,图形性能提高了35%。 无论是从理论上还是从常识上来说,搭载M2芯片的MacBook在实际使用中都应该快于M1同款机型,但在现实中并不一定如此。 多个测试都表明,最低配的M2 MacBook Pro表现不及M1机型,...
此外,MacBook Air M2整体机身体积更小,也稍微变轻了一点。键盘上变化最大的则是功能键的尺寸变大了,和其他按钮一样大,这样的改变让功能键好用了不少。至于前置摄像头提升成了1080p,音响系统变成了四扬声器等,在我看来都不是很值得一说。 总体用下来,至少在体验提升方面,还是能够解释这玩意为什么会比上一代贵...
港行是深圳富士康总部工厂生产(国行是郑州富士康或立讯生产),港行配件供应等级更高(如屏幕、存储、电池),质量品控也更严格,瑕疵率低; 硬件软件无阉割,带 FaceTime Audio; 价格相对国行更便宜,内存越大价差越大; 苹果团带小票,保修方便,可以...
苹果Apple2020款MacBook Pro13.3英寸20款/M1处理器笔记本电脑 13.3寸灰色 【人气现货】M1/16GB/512G固态,笔记本,第一次用苹果笔记本,虽然快捷键还没搞明白,但是已经能感受到他的强大
M2 MacBook Air 15 英寸的续航还是很可以的,下午 2 点多到现在审片上片改稿写稿一直挺高强度亮屏使用,还有 16% 的电……[跪了]让我们一起卷到深夜![全力以赴]
Jun 25, 2024 5:19 AM in response to leroydouglas I ended up getting the M3 from Best Buy for $1349 on a price match from Amazon because it was $50 less than the M2 new from Apple and I'm not a student. If you are a student though right now you can score the M2 for $1279...
Honestly, I was skeptical at first. I was in the market for a Macbook pro, saw the price this was for and decided to pull the trigger. Paid for a good condition one and got it basically brand new. No scratches, no broken keys, no nothing. ...
Finally managed to run memTest (Had to create the bootable usb in another computer). And results are pretty harsh... after the error count reached 11375, the test was aborted due too many errors. Can this be fixed at reasonable price (I mean not the price of new macbook air or smt...
The M2 is the next generation so should be even better. - The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum - - Mac specific TS4 issues - Please do not PM me unless I ask you to, I won't reply - I am not affiliated with EA in anyway - View in thread #2 Next Hero ...