运行macOS Mojave或更高版本的MacBook Air笔记本电脑预装了一款名为屏幕截图(Screenshot)的应用程序。该应用程序提供了各种屏幕截图选项,包括定时屏幕截图甚至视频录制等更高级的功能。1、按command+shift+5打开MacBook Air上的屏幕截图应用程序。2、屏幕截图菜单最左边的第一个选项“捕获整个屏幕”会对MacBook Air显...
1. 全屏截图 (Full-Screen Screenshot) 按下Command(⌘) + Shift + 3,你将会捕捉整个屏幕的内容。截图会自动保存到桌面,文件名通常是“屏幕快照 + 日期 + 时间”。 2. 选定区域截图 (Selected Area Screenshot) 如果你只想截图屏幕的一部分,可以使用Command (⌘) + Shift + 4。按下这个组合键后,光标...
步驟1. 同時按下 Shift + Command + 4 鍵。步驟2. 在Mac 上啟動截圖工具。步驟3. 螢幕上將出現十字準線。步驟4. 通過拖動游標剪切螢幕的特定區域。步驟5. 按Esc 鍵結束使用截圖工具。螢幕的錄製部分會變暗。按住空格鍵同時使用剪切工具拖動將允許您移動黑暗區域。還可以使用在 Mac 螢幕截圖中顯示游標的選項。
要截屏,请同时按下再松开以下三个按键:Shift、Command 和 3。 如果在屏幕角落看到缩略图,请点按缩略图以编辑截屏。或者等待截屏存储到桌面。 捕捉屏幕上的某一部分 同时按下再松开以下三个按键:Shift、Command 和 4。指针会变成十字线 。 要选择要捕捉的屏幕区域,请在拖移十字线的同时点按并按住鼠标或触控板按...
接着,按下⌘Command +Shift+ P;最后,搜索位置输入Capture full size screenshot,回车即可;弹出...
Fix 1. Shortcuts to Take a Full Screenshot on Mac To capture your entire screen on Mac, follow the steps: Step 1.Press and hold these three keysShift + Command + 3together. Step 2.When you capture one, click on the tiny thumbnail preview that appears in the bottom-right corner of ...
I have a brand new Macbook Air 15. At the Keyboard shortcuts screen all the boxes are checked. Yet the Command + Shift + 4 keys do not react as a screenshotPosted on Dec 28, 2023 9:12 AM Me too Reply Similar questions Screenshot is gone on my MacBook The screenshot function has...
MacBooks also have a method for screenshotting a specific window. Here’s how: How To Take a Screenshot of a Specific Window on a Mac Have the window open on your screen. Press Command + Shift + 4. Hold down the space bar. A camera icon should now appear. Select the window you...
Ever since ever I have been using Shift Command 4 and space bar for all my Screenshot needs and I never use Shift Command 5, so that detail went by me. I use Screenshots many times a day so this advice is VERY helpful. Much appreciated. Reply of 1 Updated to Ventura on MacBook...
键盘而言,有人说mac的快捷键很强,但实际上mac的快捷键多且难记,键位也反直觉,比如win上的ctrl+H (H for History),win+shift+S (S for Screenshot)实现的浏览器访问历史、截图在mac上要用⌘Command+ Y、shift+⌘+3实现,为什么是3和Y?毫无规律的难记。而且这些众多难记的快捷键是建立在鼠标操作更复杂...