Applecare+ Cost to Repair MacBook Pro Dents To preface, I went to trade in my MacBook Pro 16 (2019) at the Apple Store today and to pick up one of the new 2021 Macbook Pro's. I ended up leaving with both, because the quote for the trade-in was revised down from $1430 to ~$...
不論是橫線、直線,還是畫面一半黑屏、一半有亮線,都代表螢幕的顯示器、背光模組老化或故障,有必要換新螢幕總成(模組),才能改善畫面有異常線條的異常現象,因此這種情況下,MacBook螢幕維修費用較高。所有MacBook機型,若有加購Apple Care+,那麼保固內的MacBook螢幕維修費用為NT$3,200,其他損壞費用為NT$9,600。(...
I purchased MacBook Air on April 24th 2023, and I would like to add an Apple care plan to this device. I wanted to know how I can add this plan to my Macbook and what are my options? 1 year ago 171 1 how can i buy a apple care plan for my mac how much cost of apple ...
For everyday use, I installed a fanlessGeForce GT610 (low cost) only to manage screens. AMD cards work, but with big graphic bugs, so I’dadvise you not to use it for the moment.The ViDock enclosure can be replaced by a BPlus PE4L, it’s cheaper and as effective.Overall, with a...
Apple couldn't afford to offer it if it regularly cost them more than they received in premiums. Some of that difference is made up by the fact that they buy repair parts wholesale and you'd have to buy them retail. Still, that doesn't account for enough to change the logic that it...
When I bought this Mac, apple care + for 2 costed me nearly $300 so I was out of $. Though I am not sure if Apple Care + would cover this particular defect maverick786us macrumors 6502 Original poster May 30, 2012 272 88 Columbus, GA Sep 8, 2024 #22 Fishrrman said: OP...
Without AppleCare, a display replacement can cost over $1,000. Learn more about AppleCare for Macs. How often should you replace a MacBook? Even if your MacBook can function for 10 years, you may want to buy a new one that works faster and better. Most companies upgrade laptops for ...
they decided to replace me a 2020 Macbook air with i5 processor, the same storage that cost 1700 I think it's unfair to replace a cheaper modeal even the Air is new. the store think the Macbook air have similar performance and functional from the technology hardware,and Apple ...
只收现金. 详细情况见下面 (craigslist上有照片: Custom configured to the highest performance possible in May 2011, and with AppleCare it cost near $3000. It has been treated with extra care, and I switched to a 13" one so it is ...
If your Mac is covered under AppleCare+, the cost should be substantially less. A cracked M1 MacBook screen with AppleCare+ costs $99 to repair. Although it's not free,you should consider purchasing AppleCare+because of unlimited incidents of accidental damage protection. In contrast, standard ...