M2 Macbook Air - YouTube TV and Spotify Video Podcasts - Video Not Working I seem to be having issues with YouTube TV and Spotify Podcast video. This was not the case on my 2020 MBP, and using VMware Fusion to run a Windows 11 machine on my MBAM2 works fine. I'm using Chrome ...
Finder-前往-前往文件夹-/etc 然后找到hosts文件,备份一个,原文件删除,把备份里的含有“www.youtube...
YouTube on safari you tube won't load up on my MacBook in safari. My flash player is up to date 5 years ago 355 1 YouTube problems Anytime I try and get into YouTube on safari on my MacBook Air it says a problem has occurred. It is only youtube I have this problem for. ...
在任何网页浏览器中,自带媒体播放器的网站(如 YouTube)都有自己的音量控制。 如果你能通过 Mac 上的内建扬声器听到任何 App 或网站中的任何音频,则表明扬声器能够正常工作。 断开外部音频设备与 Mac 的连接 为确保音频不会被发送到支持音频的外部设备,请断开所有如下设备的连接: ...
据3月9日消息,YouTube频道MaxTech通过压力测试一款配备M3芯片、15寸新款MacBookAir的方式,揭示了这一芯片在极端情况下的性能表现和局限性。压力测试结果显示,M3 MacBook Air的处理器峰值温度能够超过114℃,同时因与同样配备此芯片的MacBook Pro相比,其运行速率慢33%而备受关注。
苹果官方表示,MacBook Air支持基于云的解决方案并在本地运行优化的AI模型,例如大型语言模型 (LLM) 和图像生成扩散模型,使用户能更好的发挥AI的强大生产力和创造力。 此前就有Mac用户仿照Chat with RTX,推出了专属Mac的框架:Chat with MLX。让苹果电脑也能运行本地大模型,完成本地文档总结、YouTube 视频分析等7...
IT之家 8 月 8 日消息,YouTube 频道 Nobel Tech 近日放出新视频,表示已经成功在 2014 款 MacBook Air 上运行 Windows 1.0 系统。 只是目前运行效果并不完美,虽然可以引导和运行 Windows 1.0 系统,但是无法正常启用触控板和键盘,因此无法执行交互操作。
在进行了长达20分钟的3DMark Wild Life极限压力测试后,YouTube频道Max Tech发现,M3 MacBook Air在盖上盖子的情况下,性能会大幅下降。在第一次运行中,最新的机器开始表现强劲,获得了8083分的分数,但它逐渐开始失去性能,因为无风扇的解决方案无法跟上散热,使得分降至5916分。YouTube频道之前发布了M3 SoC的温度...
I downloaded Advanced Scene Switcher and it was working well. I'm not sure what happened, but after a livestream to YouTube, a glitch occurred. Now, when I open up OBS, there is an Adv SS docking switch that pops up that says the switcher is active but I'm unable to click on it...
Continue reading“A Macbook Air And A Thunderbolt GPU”→ Hacking Your MacBook Air Restore Drive To Install OSX Lion July 20, 2011byMike Nathan26 Comments [Josh Wright] wrote in witha handy little hackjust in time for today’s release of Mac OSX Lion. If you’re not familiar with the...