在Reddit上看到用户成功的在M1 MacBook Pro上通过CrossOver运行了X86的Windows版本巫师3,在1080P分辨率,中画质下能跑30FPS左右。要知道这是在运行Rosetta 2 x86 转译的基础上,再增加一层 Windows API的转译,在双重性能损耗下能跑出这个水平,我是真的服。
又有一位用户Telmina介绍了他在VIAO S 15(2020年秋购)笔记本电脑上以Thunderbolt3接口接RTX2060显卡成功(同时还报告了另有一台电脑则接续未成功),1张图耗时约20秒。 7楼2023-03-11 12:57 收起回复 wildgun 铁杆吧友 8 楼主去reddit或者其他英文社区的stablediffusion板块搜搜mac,或许有惊奇。(之前查过吗?)...
Just as the following case from Reddit: My MacBook Air M1 screen flickers suddenly. When I connect external monitors, both screens flicker. The screen seems to disappear or briefly turning black. I've never seen this issue before except updating to macOS Sequoia. It's so awful, right? In...
M1 MacBook Pro and MacBook Air screens There have beenreports of cracked screens from M1 MacBook owners. Some users have claimed that the screen of the computer has inexplicably and all of a sudden cracked. Reports have been shared onApple’s support forumsandReddit, among others. ...
正如Uber 和 Twitter 一直在为其工程师提供配置拉满的 M1 Max MacBook Pro 一样,Reddit 也是如此。本月早些时候,Reddit 工程主管 Jameson Williams 在 Twitter 上谈论了“顶配版 MacBook Pro 是如何提升工程效率、同时节省公司的资金投入的”。现在,他又在一则新帖子中详细介绍了该公司是如何得出这一结论的。
搭載M1Max、M1 Pro 的新款MacBook Pro自從推出後就受到不少專業人士的關注。強大效能可以更快、更有效的應付複雜工作流程。最近國外社群平台 Reddit 的工程師,就說明 M1 Max MacBook Pro 對於工程師來說,如何降低工作成本、縮短工作時間。 Reddit 工程師:新 MacBook Pro 節省一半的工作時間 ...
so my M2 MacBook Air was damaged today while moving 280 miles and local Apple store says its beyond repair screen totally gone, keyboard more or less bent in half :/ It's like JerryRigEverything was on the removal team. Piano 1 - MBA 0 Thankfully enough the removal company ha...
Only Up! - (Macbook Air 13,M1,16GB,7GPU) Playable through Steam at 1440x900, lowest settings, vsync off, resolution scale: 25-30%, fps lock: 30. Gives 30 fps with drops to 25 when loading map. Without lock, with other apps closed could give 30-60fps with lowest settings. The ...
用户实测搭载M1的电子设备可外接六块显示器 在M1 MacBook发布前,Intel版MacBook Air可外接一块6K/5K显示屏或者两块4K显示屏,Intel版MacBook Pro可外接一块5K显示屏或者两块4K显示屏。2018款Intel版Mac mini可最多外接3块4K显示屏或者一块5K显示屏、一块4K显示屏。 2020-11-26 10:32:46 ...
“I bought a MacBook Air M1 6 months ago and the screen cracked for no apparent reason. I left my computer on the top of my desk during the night and the next day I opened it the screen had two small cracks on the right which damaged the functioning of the screen. I contacted an ...