YouTube 上已经有了新款 MacBook Air 的开箱视频啦,视频中展示的是金色的版本,连附赠的 Logo 贴纸也对应了机身的颜色,包装内包含一条 USB-C 数据线,以及 30W 的充电器。(via YouTube TechMe0ut) L少数派sspai的秒拍视频 抱歉,视频无法播放,去看看其他视频...
youtube videos buffering on Macbook air only on main account every time I click on a YouTube video it buffers for like 5 seconds, this has been happening for like a week and it only happens when im on my main YouTube account, I would switch accounts to see if it still happens and...
2019-MacBook-Air-vs-2019-MacBook-Pro-Full-Comparison-YouTube 72播放 ·总弹幕数02021-01-14 17:53:51 点赞投币收藏分享 稿件投诉 油管 科技 数码 数码 2020苹果新品 1737507718发消息
YouTube TV ads skipped on my MacBook Air Most people complain about all the ads on Youtube TV. I am experiencing the opposite situation. When watching episodes of the Oxygen channel’s “Snapped” series on my MacBook Air, ads are automatically skipped without me having to do anything. ...
【鸟人空间】youtube之IFixIT系列-MacBook Air【重组】 是在优酷播出的科技高清视频,于2017-08-11 01:28:04上线。视频内容简介:【鸟人空间】youtube之IFixIT系列-MacBook Air13‘15年重组
How to create videos on Mac for social media and YouTube If you wish to record social media or YouTube videos on MacBook Pro, we recommend using an external device or a good portable camera rather than the built-in iSight camera.
Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more videos.The M3 MacBook Air is a perfect all-around laptop, and the Air models are what we recommend for most people. In fact, the M3 MacBook Air is more machine than the average consumer likely even needs. For web browsi...
苹果直到 2012 年 6 月才为 MacBook Pro 标配了视网膜显示屏,在默认配置的分辨率上超过了 MacBook Air 再加上随着 iPad 与 iPhone 产能的扩大而已经熟悉的闪存技术被应用在新款产品上,让彼时的 MacBook Air 得以骄傲的打出「即刻启动」和「待机时间一个月」的口号,也毫无争议的成为了当时苹果笔记本产品线上一...
据3月9日消息,YouTube频道MaxTech通过压力测试一款配备M3芯片、15寸新款MacBookAir的方式,揭示了这一芯片在极端情况下的性能表现和局限性。压力测试结果显示,M3 MacBook Air的处理器峰值温度能够超过114℃,同时因与同样配备此芯片的MacBook Pro相比,其运行速率慢33%而备受关注。
If the video still can't be played on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, check if the video player has some issues. You can play another video to verification. If the player can't play all the videos, you need to update or reinstall it for a refresh....