Costco官网新优惠狂打折:最高减$500元。苹果MacBook Air特价。 本文转载自:超级爆料君(superbaoliao) 喜欢撸羊毛的小伙伴们, Costco加拿大官网, 现在有大量好货。 园艺和户外家具买多省多! 折扣高达$500元! 满$1000即减$200元。 满$1500即...
Costco官网长周末疯狂打折!苹果MacBook Air特价!Puma鞋$34.99 ---AD--- 来源:超级生活 微信:superlifeca 喜欢撸羊毛的小伙伴们 Costco加拿大官网 现在家庭日长周末起有大量好货! 园艺,户外家具 买多省多!折扣高达$500 满$1000即减$200 ...
● Costco 现有 全新 MacBook Air 13 2018款 大促销,立减$200,$999.99起售。 ● 美国境内免运费。 ● 截止日期为12月17日。 小编推荐:从乔帮主从信封中拿出Air那一刻起,Air毫无疑问的成为了Apple最受欢迎的笔记本产品,凭借当时出色的性能、完爆768P大果粒的900P 16:10 屏幕和较为实用的接口组合,不仅颜值...
MacBook Air比Pro便宜$200,轻一点点,续航时间比Pro多1小时,性能低25%。上网,看爱奇艺,剪1080p...
costco夏季大促销!连MacBook Air都降价了! Costco 6-7月会员打折好货推荐~打折日期为6月23日-7月25日欢迎评论区和我们分享💗~
途径一:Loyalty Price 商务折扣 苹果官网:Apple 商务选购 Loyalty Price又称商务折扣,是Apple商务团队为对在Apple Store里一年内(1.1 - 12.31)累计购买满5,000美金的企业用户所提供的折扣,该累计可以是个人在Apple Store跟店员提供企业信息的累计,也可以是企业直接通过商务团队进行采购的累计。该折扣涵盖Apple Store 90...
$849.00 $1199.00 Apple MacBook Air 512GB M2芯片 10核GPU 金色 $849.00 $1199.00 Apple MacBook Air M2 8+512GB English 报告错误 Amazon 109 103 173 写评论 评论 问大家 匿名用户 :costco 的M3是850,M2是700.怎么选? 10-23 美国 布鲁克林区 | 举报 | 1 | 回复 @sorrysorry :如果只是...
Apple's 2024 MacBook Air M3 includes all the company's new AI innovations, iOS updates, and more. Thanks to a trade-in offer, Best Buy can offer big savings. Here's how it works.
I would like to note that if this refurbished MacBook Air is from the Apple Store itself, consider buying the MacBook Air from a retailer like Costco, Best Buy, Amazon, Micro Center, and other retailers of the same status. Edit: NEVER CONSIDER ANY NON-APPLE DEVICE. EVER. Reply Use...
Amazon has the 8-Core, 512GB M3 14-inch MacBook Pro for $1,399.00 in Space Gray, down from $1,599.00. This is a match of the all-time low price on this notebook, and right now it's the only 14-inch model that is at a record low price on Amazon. ...