MacBook Air Battery Health I started using my new MacBook Air M1 around August 20, 2021 and today after four months, my battery health has fallen 1%. In these four months, I have not let my MacBook get completely discharged even once (I think it went lowest to 21-22%). Also my av...
I have completed 10 months of lite usage on my MacBook Air M1 and have completed 30 charge cycles. The battery health has dropped to 97%. Given the lite usage, I am a bit concerned if the battery health is degrading slightly faster than it should. Also as suggested by couple of posts...
2013 MacBook Air 13″ 2010 MacBook 在第一次使用 AlDente 时你需要到「设置-安全性与隐私-通用」允许其被启动,然后按照提示按照 helper tool;由于 SMC(系统管理控制器)的控制延迟性,当你设置好 Max Battery Charge 后,比如 80%,实际剩余电量则会稍微多一些,比如会是 83%。 喜欢的朋友快来下载AlDente体验一...
ioreg -rn AppleSmartBattery | grep -i capacity 类似 coconutBattery 算出来我的电池健康度是下面的 ...
MacBook Air (Late 2008): 300 cycles We hope this is useful. Now, you know how to check current battery percentages, how many battery cycles your Mac has, and where to find that real-time data. Below are a few quick ways to improve the battery health of your Mac. ...
2024 年 Mac 选购建议(精简版)——Mac mini、Mac Studio、MacBook Air、MacBook Pro、iMac、Mac ...
假设该服务不在保修或消费者法的涵盖范围内,更换 MacBook 电池的费用是多少?MacBook Air 的典型 MacBook 电池更换费用为 129 美元,Retina MacBook Pro 为 199 美元。 如果您的 MacBook 特别旧,您最好将这笔钱用于更换。注意常见的迹象,表明是时候更换您的 Mac 了,不要把钱投入到一台老旧的机器上。
I have found my MacBook Air M1 battery is not performing as well as everyone else's is. I am roughly getting around 6-8 hours top while others are easily getting around 12 hours or more. It's been a week and my machine stopped doing all of the indexing. I am not using Chrome...
2013 MacBook Air 13″ 2010 MacBook 在第一次使用 AlDente 时你需要到「设置-安全性与隐私-通用」允许其被启动,然后按照提示按照 helper tool;由于 SMC(系统管理控制器)的控制延迟性,当你设置好 Max Battery Charge 后,比如 80%,实际剩余电量则会稍微多一些,比如会是 83%。
MacBook Air 2017, running Monterey 12.5. My computer is charging really slow, 20% in 2 hours. Trying to figure out if my 2 chargers both gave up at the same time or my battery health suddenly dropped. I bought my computer from a restoration company who changed the battery before I ...