MacBook Air笔记本主打的就是轻薄,所以这款15英寸的笔记本电脑屏幕的边框厚度有且仅有 5 毫米,整体厚度为11.5毫米。屏幕方面,MacBook Air 15英寸搭载15.3英寸视网膜显示屏,分辨率为2880×1864,支持10亿色彩显示,并有原彩显示,可以带来出众的显示效果。此外MacBookAir 15英寸还升级了磁吸充电及iPhone联动。 6月13日15...
My 2023 MacBook air 15 innch is makign crackling noises My Macbook makes crackling sounds sometimes when I move it slightly or when slight pressure is put on the frame under the keyboard. It has been doing this for a while now. It hasn't caused any issues with the actual computer but...
2023-06-06 07:12:1200:280来自北京 凰家评测 凤凰网科技频道原创节目凰家评测。发现新奇科技 分享品质生活。
Analysts predict that the 15in MacBook Air will launch in the first quarter of 2012. A larger MacBook Air makes sense, analysts said, noting that the company will face competition from new 'ultrabooks' next year sold by, among others, HP. It has also been reported by DigiTimes that ...
Introducing MacBook Air 15’’ Narrator: MacBook Air for the first time ever in 15 inches. Abidur Chowdhury: We’ve been dreaming about making this for years. We designed a big, beautiful display, but kept it incredibly thin and super light. ...
Apple is developing a larger 15-inch MacBook Air that could come out in 2023, according to research shared today by Display Supply Chain Consultants...
Apple will launch its larger 15.5-inch MacBook Air in the Spring of 2023 with the same design as the current 13.6-inch model.
根据相关消息称,苹果可能会在WWDC 开发者大会上公布新版的MacBook Air的消息。 而在发布之前,有一位概念艺术家Darvik Patel根据爆料绘制了高清渲染图,这和我们依据爆料想象中的新版的MacBook Air的设计几乎相差无几。 从图片来看,首先新版的MacBook Air也加入了苹果祖传的刘海屏,尤其是配上炫彩的外壳和白色的边框,...
MacBook Air(M2 23年15寸)最高回收价:¥4700 回收须知 1、以下机型不予回收: 无法开机的设备不回收; 山寨、高仿设备不回收。 2、取消锁屏密码: 请将所设置的密码取消,以便我们检测工程师及时进行检测。 3、退出账户: 苹果设备请退出iCloud账户。