书接上回自从垃圾佬上期弄完这些机器之后,发现P7570+9400M的MacBook6,1本质上还是好用的,虽然不如A1181的本子看着中规中矩,但是难得它好拆+用三代条,所以即使集成显卡不支持声音输出也一样能相对比较好用,所以如果400包邮选它和600包邮选P8600+GT320M的话我选捡它 考虑到这机器续航比较拉所以买了个电池,而系...
关机状态,按住option+command+R+P,然后点开机,(这个时候前4个按键是不松开的,是为了清除cmos),等待电脑自动重启5遍之后,你在放入光盘,按C引导进行安装就可以了 我的是pro,外置光驱放自己刻的盘怎么都无法启动但是放上原带的光盘就可以了现在你的系统已经删掉了 光盘引导不了 因为你光驱...
Identifiers: Early 2008 - MB404LL/A - MacBook4,1 - A1181 - 2242 All MacBook Models | All 2008 Models | Dynamically Compare This Mac to Others Download: PDF Manual The Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13-Inch (Black - Early 2008/Penryn) features a 45 nm "Penryn"...
左侧一台macbook正在运行Windows XP,右侧一台是本次评测样机,正在运行Mac OS X [蝶舞——整体外形设计] MacBook有黑白两色,为13寸宽屏机型,镜面屏幕分辨率1280×800。 此次的评测样机MacBook A1181采用了Intel Core Duo T2500(2GHz)CPU,512 MB DDR2 667内存(两条256MB),945GM芯片组,集成Intel GMA950显示芯片...
MacBook Pro MacBook Air iMac Mac mini Mac Pro The following downloads contain the Windows Support Software (Windows Drivers) needed to run Windows on your computer. NOTE:For older models the “DVD” means that the drivers are stored on the OS X install DVD that came with your computer. ...
You can short the bottom left pin on the A1181 top case connector to turn it on. You should also add the power pins for PCs. It’s a huge hassle to order a power button just to find out if the motherboard is good. Israel
你试一下u盘安装,我不确认macbook是否支持u盘启动。8G u盘用磁盘工具讲dmg文件写入u盘,然后安装。目的磁盘:左侧出现u盘鼠标拖到”目的磁盘“请问
This happened to me when replacing the battery on a MacBook A1181. The battery was new, was charging fine but it says "Replace battery". I did a restart and reset parameter and reset SMC. I did a couple of complete drain/charge of the battery. No more error messages. I trust Coconut...