Fair is foul, and foul is fair:: Hover through the fog and filthy air. 美即丑恶丑即美 翱翔毒雾妖云里 第二场 福累斯附近的营地/Macbeth杀死Macdonwald Cawdor 即将处死,爵位遗赠给Macbeth 第三场 荒原/三女巫预言Macbeth 成为国王 So foul and fair a day I have not seen 我从来没有见过这样阴郁而...
Fair is foul, and foul is fair:: Hover through the fog and filthy air. 美即丑恶丑即美 翱翔毒雾妖云里 第二场 福累斯附近的营地/Macbeth杀死Macdonwald Cawdor 即将处死,爵位遗赠给Macbeth 第三场 荒原/三女巫预言Macbeth 成为国王 So foul and fair a day I have not seen 我从来没有见过这样阴郁而...
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair --Macbeth essays The phrase, "fair is foul and foul is fair," is a recurring theme within Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, which occurs on many levels. This phrase introduces itself within the first act of the
Anon.ALLFair is foul,and foul is fair:Hover through the fog and filthy air.[Exeunt ] 2楼2015-07-30 13:15 回复 tianweichengsb 中级粉丝 2 Scene TwoA camp near Forres.[Alarum within.Enter DUNCAN,MALCOLM,DONALBAIN,LENNOX,with Attendants,meeting a bleeding Sergeant ]DUNCANWhat bloody man ...
公平是犯规和犯规是公平的 There is no such thing as absolute fairness or foul."Fair is foul, and foul is fair" is perhaps one of the most significant lines in Macbeth. It is a juxtapose (an idea that contradicts itself) and it is used to foreshadow the fact that characters ...
2019-02-17每日遛英语 Quotes of “Macbeth”马克白经典对白 1. Fair is foul, and foul is fair. 黑即是白,好就是坏。黑白不分,好坏难辨。注:此句利用押头韵的修辞(alliteration)2. False face must hide what the false heart doth now.奸诈的内心,还是得靠虚假的面庞来隐藏。3. Let not light see...
Macbeth » Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: scriptique 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: Fair is foul, and foul is fair;Hover through the fog and filthy air. o Witches, scene i 标签: fair foul macbeth quote shakespeare witch ...
Fair is foul, and foul is fair—The witches' philosophy(哲理)of life. he unseam'd him from the nave to the chops—The bloody Sergeant's description of Macbeth's killing of the rebel Macdonwald. What, can the devil speak true?—Banquo's reaction when it turns out that Macbeth has bee...
Free Essay: Fair is foul, and foul is fair is a common theme. Fair is foul, and foul is fair is used so many times in the play. Macbeth is made by William...
作者:[英] William Shakespeare 出版社:Thomson Learning 出版年:2006-3 定价:$ 77.41 装帧:HRD ISBN:9781904271406 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· 'Fair is foul and foul is fair' - so said three weird women in ghoulish glee, predicting...