In his essay "Macbeth and the Metaphysics of Evil," scholar R.A. Foakes argues that Macbeth's tragic fate is a result of his own moral weakness and lack of agency. Foakes suggests that Macbeth's choices to murder Duncan and others are not predetermined by fate, but rather stem from his...
Discusses the metaphysical framework present upon study of the verbal context of Shakespeare's `MacBeth'. Influence of A.C. Bradley on Shakespeare studies; Shift from analysis of character and action to play's language; Conflict between divine omniscience and human free will; Audience expectation ...
The prophecy leads both of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to idea of greatness and powerful. Lady Macbeth thought that if she became a queen, she would have gotten attention, power, respect, and love. She never realizes that killing Duncan would ruin her life. On the other hand, Macbeth still ...
merely tactical. There is little doubt, moreover, that the lines aim to impart some mode of "knowledge of what is truly human, of man as man". What is new in Strauss's intertextual appropriation is the overlapping, at the central fold of the argument, of nihilist humanism and historicism...
MillerT.H.ingentaconnectPolitical TheoryMiller, Ted H. ―The Two Deaths of Lady Macduff: Antimetaphysics, Violence, and William Davenant`s Restoration Revision of Macbeth.‖ Political Theory 36 (2008): 856-82.