Macbeth Act 1 25個詞語 reginaldhayes16 預覽 Romeo & Juliet Acts 4 and 5 老師22個詞語 Mrs_Bubp 預覽 Theater 33個詞語 Melsmallwood15 預覽 directing quiz 2 35個詞語 Wyatt_Ricketts68 預覽 ACC 553 Lecture 10 26個詞語 dandurjg 預覽 Acting 20個詞語 RachelD__ 預覽 Funeral Terms Glossary 15個...
Macbeth Act 3 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Thou hast it now--King, Cawdor, Glamis, allAs the Weird Women promised, and I fearThou played'st most foully for't 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Speaker: Banquo--soliloquyExplanation: Banquo is thinking about the witches' prophecies and realizes that ...
1. As Act III begins Banquo is reflecting on what has happened to Macbeth. What three events does he state and what does he hope for himself? 2. What reason does Macbeth give the Murderers for wanting Banquo killed? What reason does he give for not doing it himself? 3. Why do you ...
Act 3, Scene 5 Analysis With Hecate, Queen of the Witches, Shakespeare has stepped up the import of the drama. Although discounting Macbeth, Hecate takes extra special measures to assure her involvement in the spell. The importance of Macbeth's fate is enhanced. ...
Act 5, scene 3 Covered in "Act 1, scene 7 Explanation and Analysis—Disease and Medicine" Cite this Quote Cite this Quote Cite this Quote Cite this Quote Cite this Quote Covered in "Act 1, scene 3 Explanation and Analysis—Strange Garments" ...
Short-Answer Quizzes: Act V Study Questions 1. What does the Doctor say to Macbeth about Lady Macbeth’s condition? What is Macbeth’s reaction? 2. What is the Doctor referring to when he says, “Therein the patient Must minister to himself?”...
Summary and Analysis Act III: Scene 4 Summary At Forres,Macbethand his wife welcome the thanes of Scotland to the banquet. Immediately prior to the feast, one of the murderers appears at a side door and reveals to Macbeth the truth about the mission: their success in the killing ofBanquo...
3 of 3 His hidden desire to consolidate power for himself His focus on personal revenge against Macbeth's unnatural supporters His personal concern for the victims of Macbeth's rule His coronation returns Scotland to political order Submit Previous Act 5, scene 10 Quiz Next Theme Wheel Cite Th...
Act I of Macbeth lays the groundwork for everything else that will happen in the play. Early in the act, Macbeth receives some startling prophecies from the three witches and must decide what to do about it. Take the quiz to test your knowledge on Act I of Macbeth.Group: Literature Lite...
of the martlet (a summer bird) serves to heighten the irony. As far as the king is concerned, the castle, from the outside at least, appears to be a paradise. Contrast this picture of delight with the imagery of hell that forms the substance of the Porter scene (Act II, Scene III)...