mac-learning priority命令用来配置接口学习MAC地址的优先级。 undo mac-learning priority命令用来恢复接口学习MAC地址的优先级为缺省值。 缺省情况下,接口学习MAC地址的优先级为0。 命令格式 mac-learning prioritypriority-id undo mac-learning priority 参数说明 ...
mac-learning { priority priority | action discard } * undo mac-learning priority undo mac-learning action Parameters Parameter Description Value priority priority Specifies the MAC address learning priority of an AP's wired interface. The value is an integer that ranges from 0 to ...
(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(3 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ GCDWebServerDataResponse* response = [GCDWebServerDataResponse responseWithHTML:@"Hello World"]; completionBlock(response); }); }]; (Advanced asynchronous version) The hand...
Gospel Priority Bible clarity Praying humility Loving community Adaptive flexibility Simple hospitality Cheerful generosity Value 4. Loving Community We want to love our community. Salt is comprised of babies to octogenarians, with every decade in between. We have people who are immune-compromised, peo...
module 3 type J9165Astack commander "###"stack auto-grabstack member 1 mac-address 0024A8E302C0##interface configs removed##trunk A1,B1 Trk50 LACPip default-gateway ###vlan 1 name "Management" untagged 1 qos priority 7 ip address ### tagged Trk50 no untagged 2-24 exitvlan 16 name ...
module 3 type J9165Astack commander "###"stack auto-grabstack member 1 mac-address 0024A8E302C0##interface configs removed##trunk A1,B1 Trk50 LACPip default-gateway ###vlan 1 name "Management" untagged 1 qos priority 7 ip address ### tagged Trk50 no untagged 2-24 exitvlan 16 name ...
I have parents who don't speak English, have a 4th grade education and their priority is work. I don't think so. Or, the technology is given to a teacher who is adverse to technology and it ends up locked away in a closet until it is outdated. I've seen it happen. So, g...
mac-learning { priority priority | action discard } undo mac-learning priority undo mac-learning action Parameters Parameter Description Value priority priority Specifies the MAC address learning priority of an AP's wired interface. The value is an integer that ranges from 0 to 3. A larger...
The MAC address learning priority of this wired interface is configured. You are advised to configure a high MAC address learning priority for the uplink interface. The value is in the range from 0 to 3, with a larger value indicating a higher priority. By default, the MAC address learning...
6336129Packet transfer method and node device using resource reservation or priority transfer control without requiring virtual connection merging2002-01-01Ise et al. 6205488Internet protocol virtual private network realization using multi-protocol label switching tunnels2001-03-20Casey et al. ...