mac-address flapping detection exclude命令用来将指定MAC加入MAC漂移检测白名单,即不检测该MAC。 undo mac-address flapping detection exclude命令用来将指定MAC从MAC漂移检测白名单中删除。 缺省情况下,没有指定MAC加入MAC漂移检测白名单。 命令格式 mac-address flapping detection excludemac-addressmac-address-mask ...
mac-address flapping aging-time 命令功能 mac-address flapping aging-time命令用来配置MAC地址漂移表项的老化时间。 undo mac-address flapping aging-time命令用来恢复MAC地址漂移表项的老化时间为缺省值。 缺省情况下,MAC地址漂移表项的老化时间为300秒。 命令格式 mac-address flapping aging-timeaging-time undo ...
But the point is that i have received the mac-address flapping messages on both the swicthes. Can any body help me to solve the problem. ? This article contains more resources You need to log in to download or view. No account? Register x x...
load balanincg i did get can you elaborate more coz the mac address flapping are from Active directory.ISA server ,File server did u find anythhing wrong in Network Diagram Thanks again Ryan Hi, Check out the teaming configuration at server level,genrally they used to configure in Active...
Now, it could exist a mac address flapping between the interface Port channel and another switchport that doesn't belong to this bundle etherchannel. EtherChannel provides load-balancing basically only per frame (another platforms includes per "IP address" and "Layer 4 port"). In this case,l...
什么是MAC地址飘移(MAC address flapping)? MAC地址飘移是指在网络设备(如交换机或路由器)的端口上,短时间内检测到同一个MAC地址在不同端口间频繁出现的现象。这通常表明网络中存在物理连接问题、设备故障或恶意行为等。 MAC地址飘移在端口上完成(finished on port)可能表示的含义? 当提到MAC地址飘移在端口上完成时...
通过在交换机SW1上输入命令display mac-address flapping record可以查看SW1上所有的MAC地址漂移的记 录。如图所示,MAC地址0000—0000—0007可能发生过几次地址漂移? A、300 B、65536 C、65534 D、65535
... | stats dc(mac_address) AS distinct_MACs BY ip_address or ... | stats dc(ip_address) AS distinct_IPs BY mac_address That's where I'd start. You might want to use some variant of sort or top at the end of that, or something else, but it should get you at least th...
A method for controlling MAC address flapping comprises: receiving a packet from a user side, and acquiring a first port identifier of a port through which the packet is received; querying a MAC address list by means of a MAC address in the packet, and acquiring a second port identifier ...
Hi All, what are the possible causes of Mac-Address Flapping? i have recived messages in my switch for the mac-address flapping ( Mac-Address 0201.0000.0000) Thanks & Regards, Raheel I have this problem too Labels: Other Switching