Zerotier client for Mac shows as offline in and in the terminal. I've installed the client on two MacBooks and both show as offline. I had previously installed the client (1.4.6) on my older MacBook and it worked but now it shows as offline. The status of the net...
或者有别的方法也行啊 分享22赞 zerotier吧 贴吧用户_5AE2Q31 zerotier status:REQUESTING_CONFIGURATION控制界面也授权了,但是physical ip一直显示unknown 搜了很多种方法都没用 分享4412 h3c吧 冷冷舞儿 请问一下,交换机端口与IP,Mac绑定,这个功能如何实现,我在虚拟机上按照书上命令输入了,但是pc换一个IP地址...