(1)mac+vscode(插件包括:(c/c++)/C++ Intellisense、cmake+cmake tools+cmake integration) (2)cmake (3)Qt Creator(version:5.0.12) 配置好Qt Creator:参考Mac+Qt 然后在Qt中创建新的Qt Widgets Application,Build System选cmake。得到一个包含了CMakeLists.txt的项目文件,然后把Qt软件关了。 打开vscode,...
(1)mac+vscode(插件包括:(c/c++)/C++ Intellisense、cmake+cmake tools+cmake integration) (2)cmake (3)Qt Creator(my version:6.1.2) 配置好Qt Creator:参考Mac+Qt 然后在Qt中创建新的Qt Widgets Application,Build System选cmake。得到一个包含了CMakeLists.txt的项目文件,然后把Qt软件关了。 打开vscod...
下载语言包 插件 输入“Chinese” ,安装插件 “Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code” Ctrl +Shift +P快捷键 输入 “Configure Language” 配置本地语言 将local的值,设置为中文简体“zh-cn” 再次打开软件,中文版设置成功! vscode中文版特色介绍 代码编辑。重新定义。免费。 开源。到处运行。
之前的章节中讲过如何使用VSCode在windows平台进行开发,总有读者朋友私信问如何在mac平台配置VSCode,本文将我的配置流程梳理如下,如有未尽流程或未能说明白的地方,欢迎留言交流。...mac平台的配置和windows平台有很多相似之处,整体流程如下:安装cmake 安装C++编译器
15.11_0+openssl.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2 from http://packages.macports.org/qt5-qtbase ---&...
[⇧⌘P]打开命令模式,选择[Tasks: Configure Task]命令,选择的模板为MSBuild,回车后会自动在.vscode目录下生成一个tasks.json文件,下面给出我的文件示例: { // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 // for the documentation about the tasks.json format ...
qimgv - Qt5 image viewer with optional video support QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and ownCloud / Nextcloud integration. quickviewer - A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fast ...
Qt - Cross-platform application framework. Visual Studio Code - Microsoft's free & open-source editor, TypeScript friendly, VSCode Plugins. Visual Studio Community for Mac - Fully-featured IDE Free for students, open-source and individual developers. WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE by...
...echo "Install Visual Studio Code." sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install software-properties-common.../install_vscode.sh Install Visual Studio Code [sudo] password for xilinx: Hit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com...Run Visual Studio Code. [1] 153425...
Visual Studio Code - Microsoft's free & open-source editor, TypeScript friendly, VSCode Plugins. Xamarin Studio - Free cross-platform C# IDE for iOS, Android, and .Net. Xcode - Essential IDE for iOS/macOS development. Zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators...