USB Hi-Speed Bus: Host Controller Location: Built-in USB Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBEHCI PCI Device ID: 0x1c26 PCI Revision ID: 0x0005 PCI Vendor ID: 0x8086 Bus Number: 0xfd Hub: Product ID: 0x2513 Vendor ID: 0x0424 (SMSC) Version: b.b3 Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec Locatio...
苹果发布macOS Monterey操作系统更新后,就有外国网友在Reddit论坛发文,从计算机更新为macOS Monterey后,USB Hub就无法在M1 MacBook Air正常运工,甚至于用户无法使用鼠标与键盘。另外有用户指遇到相同问题,打电话给苹果客服询问解决方式,对方请他试用有苹果认证的USB Hub;不过尝试客服建议方法后没有任何作用。最令用...
上周苹果发布macOS Monterey操作系统更新,不过许多抢第一时间更新的果粉却发现,Mac更新macOS Monterey操作系统后,原先正常使用的USB Hub突然无法使用。 虽然苹果推出重新搭载HDMI与SD卡插槽的MacBook Pro笔记本,还是有很多用户Mac笔记本只搭载纯Type-C连接端口;依照以往使用方式,这些用户仅能依赖USB Hub为连接端口转接工具...
if it's through a dock or hub, it will not work. it needs to be connected directly to the Mac. and for Macs that only have TB3 (USB-C) ports, you will need an USB-C to USB Adapter to be able to connect it directly. (1) Reply of 1 USB Super Drive not working on Mac...
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usb hub的问题..各位都选的啥hub 有靠谱的吗。hootoo大家用的怎么样。想买 hootoo和da200今天突然看到这个 有人用过吗
1.If you have many devices connected to your Mac: Disconnect all USB devices except the device you’re testing. 2.If the mic is connected to a USB hub that does not have a power cable, pleases plug the mic directly into your computer’s USB port. 3.If your computer has more than ...
自己动手diy 告别..自己动手diy 告别hub电磁干扰之前买的绿联hub 发现了usb传输数据对2.5干嘛wifi和蓝牙的影响。土豪吧友纷纷建议买贝尔金,五百多我出去撸串它不香吗,20多铜箔胶带搞定还是diy有意思啊
Fix 4: Connect the USB devices directly into Mac Fix 5: Use a powered hard disk or USB hub Fix 6: Ensure you are using the right cable and port Fix 7: Clean/enable the USB ports Fix 8: Try a different port Fix 9: Try a different cable ...