macOS - 给Terminal终端命令行配置网络代理的方法 ( MacOS设置终端代理 - 没有气的汽水 - 博客园 ( 最终设置如下: vi ~/.zshrc # 加上这两行 alias proxyon='export http_proxy=;export https_proxy=$http_proxy' alias proxyoff='unset http_proxy;unset https_prox...
Mac terminal proxy cat >> ~/.bash_profile << EOF function proxy_on() { export http_proxy= export https_proxy=\$http_proxy echo -e "终端代理已开启。" }function proxy_off(){ unset http_proxy https_proxy
function proxy_on() { export no_proxy="localhost,,localaddress," export http_proxy=""#注意,根据自己的配置设置有可能会是1080或1086 export https_proxy=$http_proxy export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy export rsync_proxy=$http_proxy export HTTP_PROXY=$http...
2.设置HTTP/HTTPS代理:在Terminal中,使用`export`命令设置HTTP和HTTPS代理。例如,如果你的代理服务器地址是``,端口号是`1087`,可以输入以下命令: ```bash exporthttp_proxy= exporthttps_proxy= ``` 3.设置SOCKS代理:对于SOCKS代理,可以使用`ALL_PROXY`...
mac Terminal config proxy 【mac 终端配置代理】 vi ~/.bash_profile alias proxy='export http_proxy=;export https_proxy=$http_proxy' alias proxyOff='unset http_proxy;unset https_proxy' 1. 2. 3. 生效 source ~/.bash_profile...
在~/.bash_profile 文件中,添加如下代码: function proxy_off() { unset http_proxy unset https_proxy unset ftp_proxy unset...
Mac Terminal proxy method 参考: 前期准备: 认识代理的方式:代理是通过客户端与服务端通信,传输服务端能够访问到的资源文件,再由服务端客户端通信返回给客户端,从而间接访问服务端能访问的资源. 以socket5通信为例子,我们通过客户端(自己想一想Sha代)向服务端发送socket通信,...
First, we need to open a terminal and enter the following command to set up the socks5 proxy: "`bash export all_proxy=socks5:// “` This command means to forward all network requests through a local socks5 proxy on port 1080. If you need to set up a protocol-specific...
git config --global http. 对于SSH 协议,比如git clone,需要在文件~/.ssh/config中添加 host ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -X connect -x %h %p ...
A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Tmux/Serial terminal. windowslinuxshellbashtmuxsshclientmacterminalserialpowershelltelnetx11sftpxtermwslcmdxmodemymodemzmodem UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 C Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC...