pwd的含义是“print working directory”,会显示当前目录的绝对路径。 ls的含义是“list directory contents”,它会列出当前目录的内容。这个命令还有其他参数可选。 cd的含义是“change directory”,它会改变当前目录到你指定的目录。如果你不指定,则会返回你的 home folder。 处理特殊字符 如果目录中有特殊字符(空格...
Using Terminal tricks is one way to get more computer savvy, have fun with the native features of macOS, and customize your computer according to your preferences. Here’s a cheat sheet that lists some of the most commonly used Terminal commands and shortcuts. Mac Terminal Commands List to i...
While many Mac terminal commands are similar toLinux commands, macOS also features system-specific syntax designed to help Mac users manage their hardware and software. This article provides a comprehensive list of Mac terminal commands alongside a downloadable PDF cheat sheet for easy reference. Prer...
export ZSH="/Users/mac/.oh-my-zsh" # Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will # load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case, # to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME # See
Mac OS Terminal Commands 02 mac 终端 常用命令 基本命令 1、列出文件 ls 参数 目录名 例: 看看驱动目录下有什么:ls /System/Library/Extensions 参数-w 显示中文,-l 详细信息, -a 包括隐藏文件 2、转换目录 cd 例:想到驱动目录下溜达一圈 cd /System/Library/Extensions...
Terminal 版本:zsh(系统自带);Command + Q 快捷键可以退出。命令行的几大类功能包括:系统管理;文...
In some cases, Android projects may fail to build with an errorThe Java SDK could not be found, please set the path to it in the Xamarin.Android SDKs settings panel. A workaround is to execute the following command in a Terminal:mkdir -p ~/Library/Android/sdk. ...
Method 1. Unlock the Home Directory The first method is to unlock the home directory in your macOS. As mentioned before, you might not have enough permissions to be able to use the Terminal to tinker with commands that might give out an operation not permitted error. ...
10. Clear Terminal of All Commands Theclearcommand removes all previously typed commands and output from the Terminal window, providing a clean workspace. It’s especially helpful when working on long sessions to declutter your screen. To clear the Terminal:clear ...
Execute this command in Terminal to move into your home Use the command below to list files in your home directory and check if you have a .zshrc file if you run -la If you don't have it, create one with the nano editor using this command. Otherwise, skip to ...