PC上的串口一般是ttyS,板子上Linux的串口一般叫做ttySAC,是usb口转串口的是ttyUSB,外插串口卡的话默认是dev下的ttyS* ,一般ttyS0对应com1,ttyS1对应com2 百度百科链接:SL 串行接口简称串口,也称串行通信接口或串行通讯接口(通常指COM接口),是采用串行通信方式的扩展接口。串行接口(Serial Interfac...
cmd + ,→进入设置→安装 terminal 插件 新建Document 添加一个 terminal 连接 修改名称, 并修改连接方式为 串口连接(Serial Port Connection) 配置日志保存目录 由于串口使用的是系统的 Screen 工具, 所以需要加一个任务用于在断开连接的时候清空 Screen 任务 任务如图配置 关联Connection 和 Task, 进入 Terminal 设置...
ZOC Terminal 是一款适用于 macOS 的专业终端仿真软件。其令人印象深刻的仿真列表和强大的功能使其成为通...
image.png 接着,修改Serial Port setup配置: 需要修改的内容有A和E,如果E默认是115200,则不用修改,只需要修改A。修改A为你的串口挂载的路径(一般和我图中一样),如果你不确定,可以另外开一个Terminal,cd /dev并且ls |grep usb查看是否和我一样。如果不一样,自行修改即可。 到这里,我们的配置工作就大概完成!
https://e2e.ti.com/support/tools/code-composer-studio-group/ccs/f/code-composer-studio-forum/738385/ccs-cc1352r-uart-serial-port-interface-mac-ccs-terminal 器件型号:CC1352R 工具/软件:Code Composer Studio 我正在学习 CCS 和1352开发板。 我已经工作了几周、学...
Terminal/ssh/sftp client(linux, mac, win) based on electron/ssh2/node-pty/xterm/antd/subxand other libs. Download/install https://electerm.github.io/electerm From release:https://github.com/electerm/electerm/releases For some linux OS, rpm pack may not work, you can try the.snaprelease....
201 官方网站 访问 Serial makes it easy to connect your Mac to almost anything with a serial port, including routers, switches, PBXs, embedded devices and more. In addition to a full-featured terminal emulator, Serial includes built-in, user-space drivers for many popular devices, saving you...
●OS X 10.9 to OS X 10.15 ●OS X 11.0(Big Sur) and above Chip Model Support ●CH340/CH341/CH343/CH9101/CH9102/CH9143 (USB to Single Serial Port)●CH342/CH344/CH9103 (USB to Multi Serial Ports)Installation 1.Download the driver from the website and unzip the file to a local...
Upgrades Docker 18.09.3 Bug fixes and minor changes Fixed port 8080 that was used on localhost when starting Kubernetes. Fixes docker/for-mac#3522 Error message improvements, do not propose to run diagnostics / reset to factory default when not appropriate. ...
Huawei04007000000010d***3000036 Terminal Device Type : MAC AP name : area_1 Radio ID : 0 AP MAC : 00e0-fc76-e360 SSID : wlan-net Online time : 59(s) AAA: User authentication type :MAC authenticationCurrent authentication method :LocalCurrent authorization method : - Current accounting meth...