$ say -v Zarvox "hello world" Have fun. You can now add voices to your monitoring applications, or freak people out if they don’t know about this cool trick. To learn about all of the functionality of thesayprogram, type inman sayin Terminal to learn more, or click here to view th...
1 如果你不适用文字转语音功能,那么你肯定不会使用到OS X内置的嗓音文件。你可以删除这些文件重新获得硬盘空间。在终端应用中,使用下面的命令即可,首先定位到文件所在文件夹: cd /System/Library/Speech/ 2 然后执行删除命令,将所有嗓音文件删除 sudo rm -rf Voices/* 3 如果你执行了命令,那么你将...
As far as accessibility goes, Mac OS X Lion's VoiceOver feature allows visually impaired people to access their computers more easily. For example, the computer can read documents out loud. The operating system includes voices that speak in 22 different languages. There's also a Braille verbosi...
如果你不适用文字转语音功能,那么你肯定不会使用到OS X内置的嗓音文件。你可以删除这些文件重新获得硬盘空间。在终端应用中,使用下面的命令即可,首先定位到文件所在文件夹: cd /System/Library/Speech/ 然后执行删除命令,将所有嗓音文件删除 sudo rm -rf Voices/* 如果你执行了命令,那么你将无法使用系统的文字转语音...
如果你不适用文字转语音功能,那么你肯定不会使用到OS X内置的嗓音文件。你可以删除这些文件重新获得硬盘空间。在终端应用中,使用下面的命令即可,首先定位到文件所在文件夹: cd /System/Library/Speech/ 然后执行删除命令,将所有嗓音文件删除 sudo rm -rf Voices/* ...
/System/Library/Speech/Voices中的语音文件 /Library/Dictionaries中字典文件 /System/Library/Desktop/ Pictures里面的图像文件 /System/Library/CoreServices/Setup/ Assistant.app程序 /System/Library/Fonts和/Library/Fonts中的不使用的字体文件,尤其是不使用其他语言的字体文件。
✔ It's easy to use just write then press speak ! ✔ It's fun to play with. ✔ You can also listen to your mails, documents, etc while you are working or away. ✔Speak with 25 voices: ★Robot voice ★Hysterical voice ★Singing voice ★Alien voice ★Bubbles voice ★Belles voi...
(.aiff) or MPEG-4 (.m4a). • Keep VoicePicker always available: Choose the main window to be visible permanently or only when a key combination is kept down. This application is delivered without any voice : it uses only the system voices (and eventually the third party voices) ...
Breaking the Silence and Moving Voices: Dance/Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Male and Female Sexual Trauma Survivors The purpose of this research was to decipher the benefits and challenges of using a body-based therapy on male and female survivors of sexual trauma, to ex... SA Winkler...