ShowDesktop –给 Mac 添加显示桌面按钮[OS X] ShowDesktop是一款简单的 OS X 应用,运行后会在菜单栏出现一个按钮,点击即可实现类似 Windows 下显示桌面的功能。@Appinn 作者@Jason 提到: 由于开始接触 iOS 开发,所以最近一直在 Mac 下工作。在 Windows 上,有个显示桌面的图标,对于有点洁癖的人来说,点击一下...
ShowDesktop for mac是一款简单的 OS X 应用,运行后会在菜单栏出现一个按钮,点击即可实现类似 Windows 下显示桌面的功能。ShowDesktop for mac则适合彻底的显示桌面,当然有一些问题,比如图标未美化,实现方式过于粗暴,不够优雅。 功能介绍 其实显示桌面是有快捷键的,CMD+ALT+H+M,按下CMD+ALT+H就会隐藏当前窗口除...
Show Desktop:一键无窗口,浑身变轻松。 TerminalFinder:Terminal 和 Finder 之间互相切换。 Workflows 资源 Alfred 论坛:个人开发者开发的解决比较特别的问题的插件居多,可以比较容易的通过 alfred + 问题关键词 在 Google 上搜到。 Workflows 中文站:国人收藏的超多 Workflows,总有几款能够满足你。 Workflows 官方站点...
Mac OS X 终端命令开启功能 1.Lion下显示资源库 方法一: 显示 在“终端”中输入下面的命令: chflags nohidden ~/Library/ 隐藏 在“终端”中输入下面的命令: chflags hidden ~/Library/ 方法二: 打开Finder,菜单中选择前往按住option键就会显示资源库项(每次打开都需要重复操作一次)。
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac Error 0xc07 Good day, Community I work off of a Mac v.13.6.6 and a Windows v.10 build19045.4291, computer. I have 2 Active Directory accounts, my everyday JohnDoe account and my break glass JohnDoeAD account. I use MRD v.10.9.6 on the Mac to log...
the files look as if they came from a machine running Windows. You still must log in to each resource and you're not integrated with Active Directory, but you can get to file shares a lot more quickly. As an added bonus, OS X can be configured to show up in a workgroup and share...
Autodesk's industry-leading CAD software available for Mac OS X. Try CAD software View all Mac-compatible software Designing and making the LA28 Games Autodesk is proud to be the Official Design & Make Platform of the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Official Supporter of Team USA. ...
the files look as if they came from a machine running Windows. You still must log in to each resource and you're not integrated with Active Directory, but you can get to file shares a lot more quickly. As an added bonus, OS X can be configured to show up in a workgroup and share...