File Search(文件搜索) Quick Search:快速搜索,勾选该选项后,我们可以使用‘(单引号)或者 Space(空格键)快速启用打开文件或者文件夹,功能类似于使用 Open + 关键字。 Opening Files:输入 open 打开文件或者文件夹。 Revealing Files:输入 find 查询文件或者文件夹的位置。 Inside Files:输入 in 查找文本文件内含有...
Smart Search:在OS X Lion版本之前的Finder中,有一个叫作“Search For”的区域,在这个区域中你可以很方便的打开你今天、昨天或者过去的一个星期之内使用过的文档或者程序,但是在Lion之后的版本中这一区域被去掉了,取而代之的是一个叫作“All My Files”的文件夹,里面包含了Mac上所有的文件,可以找到想要的东西。
Do you want to see your search engine listed here? Drop an email to mcebrian @ ukr .net 新内容 2024年10月2日 版本1.9.3 * Added Google clean by request. Get back the old Google! (gc!) * Updated for Mac OS X Sequoia App 隐私 ...
In the Terminal, as with all tasks, finding files requires you know how to use a few basic commands. The three that will be most useful in OS X are the “find” command, the “mdfind” command, and the “locate” command. When run, these commands will search for a specific query a...
This is an terrible plugin that redirects the default search engine on Google Chrome by modifying Google Chrome's preference and cache files. Apple's operating system by name: 9.0.4 and earlier were Mac OS systems that weren't commonly known by their code names. Mac OS 9.1 to 9.2.2 ...
Here are the steps I took to make all do-files searchable. Thesesteps work at least in OS X 10.4.11. Can someone test them in 10.5? 1. Identify the do-files to Spotlight , as detailed in the followingpost: ...
Live Search uses the Spotlight API in Mac OS. Any customization that you apply to Spotlight preferences is also used for Live Search. Spotlight displays all files on your computer that match your search query. Live Search searches files in the local root folder of the site currently selected ...
Find Any Filesearches your local and network disks for files by name, creation or modification date, size or kind. As there are other tools with a similar search operation, here are the special features unique to Find Any File: Has a new hierarchical view of the found items, making it mu...
A more actionable calendar: Click any meeting or event in your calendar to see all of the associated details. Check out who is invited, edit your response, or join the meeting, all in one place. Easier scanning of search results: Outlook highlights your search term in the item list or ...
- Fix an issue where AutoUpdate crashes on OS X 10.10. - Fix an issue where apps won't launch if an update is pending. Important: If you updated to Microsoft AutoUpdate 3.9.0, and you have your AutoUpdate settings set to "Automatically Check," then you will need to manually update...