一些很好用的proxy server类软件比如PSX Download Helper,PS3 Proxy等等,都只有Windows版,没有OS X版,所以Mac+PS4的机油们会比较头痛。因为在虚拟机使用的网络是经过翻译的,端口未直接暴露在局域网下,即使在OS X上开Windows虚拟机使用这类软件,PS3/PS4/PS Vita也检测不到这个proxy server的存在,所以有些人就...
1)进入如下目录 cd /Library/WebServer/Documents 2)新建如下文件 touch proxy.pac 3)添加如下方法 functionFindProxyForURL(url,host){if(shExpMatch(url,"*mail.neusoft*")||shExpMatch(url,"*feishu*")||shExpMatch(url,"*jianshu*")||shExpMatch(url,"*sn.files.1drv.com*")){return"PROXY proxy.neus...
解压、运行 将下载好的proxyee-down-2.54-mac.zip解压。手动移入应用程序文件夹。 双击start运行软件,由于安装证书和切换代理需要ROOT权限,所以在运行软件会提示输入用户密码,输入完按回车确认即可。(注:输入密码时不会显示字符,输完按回车确认即可) 移入应用程序 运行START文件 输入登录密码 启动成功 打开网页浏览器,...
1、设置为系统代理: (1)选择菜单栏中的:Proxy->Mac OS X Proxy或者Windows Proxy,将Charles设置成系统代理 Proxy->Mozila Firefox Proxy:勾选则抓取计算机上Mozilla Firefox浏览器的请求 (2)注意:Chrome和Firefox浏览器默认不使用系统的代理服务器设置,而Charles是通过将自己设置成代理服务器来完成封包截取的,所以一...
MacProxy forwards network settings to a proxy server, thus enabling users to hide their IP address and navigate the Net anonymously. MacProxy supports all major browsers, including Safari and Firefox as well as applications such as Mail, iChat, FTP and Telnet. MacProxy can even connect via your...
V73.0.0 3.7 (7) Security Status Not for your OS.Looking for Windows version? X-VPN free download.Always available from the Softonic servers Free & fast download Always available Tested virus-free Downloadfor Mac Alternatives toX-VPN 3.7 ...
SOCKS Proxy Enabled: Yes SOCKS Proxy Port:13659SOCKS Proxy Server: Proxy Enabled: No SOCKS Proxy Enabled: No~ Terminal 设置代理# 参考:https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/71481/how-to-use-socks-proxy-for-commands-in-terminal-such-as-youtube-dl ...
if (isStartProxy) { if (isOpenProxy === false) { isOpenProxy = true setProxy('', 8899) .then(() => { }) .catch((err) => { }) } return } isStartProxy = true isOpenProxy = true return startServer({ win: win, upstreamProxy: arg.upstream_proxy ? arg.upstream_proxy...
Surge is anetwork toolboxfor power users and a high-performanceHTTP/SOCKS5 proxy server. It is capable of intercepting and logging the summary of network traffics, and meanwhile transmitting the traffic to other proxy servers according to the flexible rule system. Multiple proxy protocols are suppo...
sudo ./CMEnroll -s <enrollment_proxy_server_name> -ignorecertchainvalidation -u <'user name'> 出现提示时,请为超级用户帐户提供运行命令的密码,然后提供 Active Directory 用户帐户的密码。 若要将注册的证书限制为Configuration Manager,请在 Mac 计算机上打开终端窗口并进行以下更改: a. 输入命令 sudo /...