You can also turn on AirDrop in Finder with the keyboard shortcut Command Shift R. After reading, if you've learned about how to turn on AirDrop on your Mac, just share the way with your friends. How to use AirDrop on Mac? As AirDrop uses Bluetooth to find target Apple devices and...
press Command–Option–Space bar. (If youuse multiple input sourcesto type in different languages, these shortcuts change input sources instead of showing Spotlight. Learn how tochange a conflicting keyboard shortcut.)
Solution 1. Check the Keyboard Shortcut Settings You can use the keyboard shortcut "Command + Shift + 3" to take a full-screen screenshot and shortcut "Command + Shift + 4" to capture selected area unless you've activated the screenshots shortcuts. By default, the screenshot keyboard sho...
. To create this contextual menu shortcut, open Keyboard & Mouse preferences in Mac OS X 10.5, click Keyboard Shortcuts, click the "+" button, choose as the Application, and type "Show Package Contents" (exactly), and set whichever shortcut you want, such as Command-Control-...
Way 1. Use the shortcut Select the file you want to delete and then hold down the Option + Command + Delete keys on your keyboard. Next, click Delete on the prompt to directly delete files on Mac with space being released immediately. ...
(ifnon-MacOSXstartupvolumesarepresent) Command-VStartinVerboseMode Command-SStartinSingleUserMode Finderkeyboardshortcuts KeycombinationWhatitdoes Command-ASelectallitemsinthefrontFinderwindow(ordesktopifnowindowisopen) Option-Command-ADeselectallitems Shift-Command-AOpentheApplicationsfolder Home>Support Visit...
To close all open windows in an application or the Finder, just add the Option key to the first keyboard shortcut listed above. Press Command ( ⌘ ), Option, and W keys at the same time, and all of those open windows are closed. ...
Use the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+dot (.) to view hidden files in the Finder. Do not press the letter dot keys; instead, press the Dot key on the keyboard. Method 4: Move Recent Files to Encrypted Drive Moving the files to Encrypted Drive, where Spotlight search cannot index them...
Mac OS X 终端命令开启功能1.Lion下显示资源库方法一:在“终端”中输入下面的命令:chflags nohidden ~/Library/隐藏在“终端”中输入下面的命令:chflags hidden ~/Library/方法二:打开Finder,菜单中选择前往按住option键就会显示资源库项(每次打开都需要重复操作一次)。
simply by using your keyboard: Take screenshots, search for highlighted text on the internet, look up definitions, cut and paste to a secondary clipboard, force a program to quit, shutdown your Mac, move files to the trash, open new tabs in Safari, send emails and many other great things...