knowing how to boot your Mac from a USB drive can be incredibly useful. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making your Mac boot from a USB drive. So grab your USB drive and let's get started!
确保安装器的名称为“Install [版本名称]”,如“Install macOS Sequoia”。它必须是一个安装器 App,而不是包含安装器的磁盘映像 (.dmg) 或软件包 (.pkg)。 将USB 闪存驱动器连接到 Mac 将USB 闪存驱动器或其他备用宗卷连接到 Mac。 在创建可引导的安装器时,系统会自动抹掉这个宗卷。
【前提条件】1、至少为8G的U盘已抹成 Mac OS 扩展(日志式),且U盘名称为Mojave(也可以自取其它名称,但下面终端命令中的Mojave也要作相应的改动) 2、下载的安装包“安装 macOS”在“应用程序”中。 【终端命令】 sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --...
使用 Clover Configurator 打开config.plist,左侧边栏选择Kernel and Kext Patches,插入(如果存在则修改)配置信息:Name*:———Find* [HEX]: 837D880F 0F83A704 0000———Replace* [HEX]: 837D880F 90909090 9090———Comment: USB 10.13.6+ by PMHeart———MatchOS: ...
建议方式:使用外置 USB SSD 添加一个分区(非 APFS宗卷),约 20GB 容量即可,不影响原有数据存储功能。 U 盘速度极慢,寿命较短,慎用! 使用“磁盘工具” 抹掉上述介质或者分区,要求如下: (1)Mac OS X 扩展(日志式); (2)GUID 分区图; (3)分区名称:sysin(这里为示例名称,可以自定义,简单点就直接按照本文操...
f: Install an OS into free space r: Resize an existing partition to make space for a new OS q: Quit without doing anything» Action (f): 直接回车后,来到操作系统选择列表,类似下面这样。选择我们想要安装的系统,输入对应的数字序号,就能够开始安装啦: Choose an OS to install: 1: Ubuntu Desk...
Using OS'Macintosh HD'(disk3s3s1)formachine authentication. Choose what todo: r: Resize an existing partition to make spacefora new OS q: Quit without doing anything » Action(r): r 如果你没有安装或者提前进行系统分区,那么输入r就能够进入分区调整步骤了。接下来程序会询问我们到底要划分多少空间...
Has a simple, user friendly interface that allows anyone to create a USB boot. USB flash drive recovery Mac OS X software You can now install newer versions of Mac OS X Yosemite and macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave with Disk Drill, setting it apart from much of the competition. Disk Dr...
Mac OS Sonoma 14.1.1 USB bootable installer fails Hi. I'm trying to make a bootable installer from the Sonoma 14.1.1 installer app and there is no way: can't bless the destination volume. I then went back to 14.1.0. As the same problem is with the latest Ventura (13.6.2) but ...
is there a way to install a copy of mac os on an existing back up (external) volume to make it bootable without having to erase and format, thus losing the backup data? No. Create a bootable USB installer you can use to boot, install, then migrate from your backup. Keep the USB up...