unix系统双显卡一直支持不佳,mac os是类-unix,应该也差不多吧 WXW ASTO纯金 11 现在这个问题真的无解,我试过各种办法也一样只能祈祷软件更新 jeremy199103 Mac入门 3 我现在的方法就是每天睡觉前就关机(不让他长时间休眠),第二天开机就不会出现这种情况,眼不见心不烦~~~怎么感觉有一种把头埋在沙子...
MenuMeters - CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS. Menubar Brightness - macOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar. MiniSim - MacOS menu bar app for launching iOS and Android 🤖 emulators. Monitor Bar - Monitor Bar app supports three modes, com...
Open the folder whose background color you want to change. Click the view options window’s toolbar and choose as Icons, or click on the View menu in the Finder and choose as Icons. Go to the View menu in the Finder again and choose Show View Options. In the background section, choo...
Among the many Bartender tools is the new triggers feature. You can create triggers so specific alerts show on the menu bar when things happen. For example, you'll get a signal when your MacBook Pro's battery reaches a certain level. Triggers can include any change, icon matching, a ...
• Have the theme follow automatically the color of your appearance. • Rearrange The Clock menu bar items by (shift) drag and drop. • Keyboard Shortcuts for most common actions. • Display the moon phase, and get all the moon phase informations. ...
Mac OS Monterey, menu bar not showing, keyboard not working/keypress only beeps, finder/system windows showing always as background Hello, Today I turned on my MacBook Pro (late 2016, 15 inch, touch bar) to a plethora of issues: - Menu bar is nowhere to be seen, doesn't load, do...
By default, it changes the color of its menu bar icon to alert you when your machine’s CPU usage spikes. Here’s how to reduce CPU usage with the app: Install and open App Tamer. Click on the app icon in the menu bar. Select a CPU process from the list you want to reduce. ...
在这篇文章中,我将为大家推荐一系列精选的Mac App,帮助你在macOS系统上更加游刃有余。 一、TopNotch:隐藏MacBook Pro刘海 TopNotch是一款Mac电脑刘海隐藏工具,它能够有效地隐藏MacBook Pro的刘海部分,让你的屏幕看起来更加整洁。支持配合动态桌面壁纸工作,支持多显示器,支持在后台工作,还支持圆角处理。启用此选项后...
The simplest way to access SF Symbols: right from your Mac Menu Bar. Opt for list or grid view for effortless browsing, using the search function to find exactly what you need. A single click on a symbol copies its name to your clipboard, ready for Xcode. ...
Users see this window by selecting the app menu followed by the Preferences menu item in the menu bar. If your app has a Settings bundle, the system automatically provides your app with a preferences window. To learn more, see Displaying a Preferences window. Apply a translucent background ...