macOS系统中执行Java项目(UI自动化工程)时报错: [HTTP] Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no other instance of this server running already. Fatal Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use —...
在OS X中使用GAE引擎来科学上网比如goagent或者wallproxy,可能会在启动过程中出现如下报错然后导致服务启动不成功。 1 2 3 socket.error:[Errno48]Addressalreadyinuse //如上报错,错误号48;端口已被占用。 原因 其实就是因为你曾启动过相同或者类似的服务占用了这个端口,一般来讲,在Mac上直接用Python启动的话,会...
Mac OS X中解决socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use 端口占用问题 玩flask 端口被占用,好伤心。 第一步:sudo lsof -i:5000 第二步:sudo kill 70237
macOS系统中执行Java项目(UI自动化工程)时报错: [HTTP] Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no other instance of this server running already. Fatal Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use —...
Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port UDP -> listen udp4 bind: address already in use As soon as I quit Docker Desktop the port 53 isn't used any more. 👍1
Mac OS X中解决socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use 端口占用问题 关闭pycharm时 申请的端口号并不会被释放, 因为后台的python 一直在运行 这里有个暂时的方法直接找到对应的端口号启用的pid 然后kill掉 原因 其实就是因为你曾启动过相同或者类似的服务占用了这个端口,一般来讲,在Mac上直接用Python...
Mac OS X中解决socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use 端口占用问题 玩flask 端口被占用,好伤心。 第一步:sudo lsof -i:5000 第二步:sudo kill 840 1 2 3 4 ~ sudo lsof-i:5000 COMMAND PID USER FDTYPEDEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME...
MAC OS: failed to expose port -> listen tcp bind: address already in use #3698 Closed kc0olm opened this issue Jun 5, 2023· 3 comments Commentskc0olm commented Jun 5, 2023
Invalid command'LockFile', perhaps misspelledordefined by amodulenotincludedinthe server configuration 然后 按照网上搜的结果打开 http-mpm.conf文件#注释报错行,再次启动apache (48)Address alreadyinuse: AH00072: make_sock: couldnotbind to address [::]:80(48)Address alreadyinuse: AH00072: make_sock:...
Creating a container with the port 53 fails with the error address already in use. As a workaround, deactivate network acceleration by adding "kernelForUDP": false, in the settings.json file located at ~/Library/Group Containers/ Source: https:// docs.docker....