Mac mini 2023 hdmi audio output not working Good afternoon, I connect to my Mac mini 2023 using hdmi, I connect them to the Yamaha RX-V363 and there is no connection. There are no new connections in the settings in the sound item, and there is nothing in Audio-MIDI either. If that...
Mac Mini 2010 - Powers On, No signal to External Monitor via HDMI Updated my internal storage HD to an SSD, now when I power on, I hear the Mac power on, but my external screen does not receive a signal...Mac Mini 2010 I have tested the HDMI cable and input on external monitor, ...
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用户级别:级别 1 14 积分
The Mac Mini will say "No HDMI connected", and also give up. Unless they look for each other at the same time. Not ideal, but at least I have found a consistent way to make it work. Anyone else with HDMI problems on a Mac Mini, please try this procedure and see if it wor...
大佬们求助 hdmi..1、首先确认插入HDMI线后,是否通过按FN+F4转换外接显示器,若不按快捷键,则无反应。 2、若按快捷键后无反应,建议通过官网下载针对自己型号和操作系统的显卡驱动以及快捷键软件安装后观察。 3、
mac mini接了..2018 mac mini,两根type-c转vga的线接了两个1440*900的显示器,一切正常。最近买了一根8米的hdmi镀银线连接索尼电视,接上后三个屏幕同时打开,看了一部4k电影,效果很好一点
新Mac mini,HDMI大不同! 最近入手了新的M4 Mac mini,直接用HDMI线连接电视,意外发现LG C2 OLED电视竟然自动识别Mac mini为媒体播放器!这似乎意味着Mac的HDMI接口启用了HDMI-CEC控制功能。 尝试在Mac mini菜单中选择休眠电视,结果电视果然自动熄屏,唤醒时又自动亮屏并切换到对应的输入口。之前需要用电视遥控器控制...
mac mini的H..到网店买HDMI的输出线,客服说Mac mini的HDMI不支持输出,百度的答案也是能与不能参半 ,有知道答案的人吗
macminihdmi无信号必须重启 macminihdmi无信号必须重启的原因。1、电视机的信号源模式没有正确切换,导致信号源模式和输入的信号源不匹配,所以电视机会提示无信号必须重启2、显卡一般为显卡主控芯片特性差,或与显卡槽接触不紧密,或显卡槽内灰尘过多。